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M2-218-1sk • © Leica Microsystems (Switzerland) Ltd. • CH-9435 Heerbrugg, 2005 – sk – VI.2007
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and representatives of Leica Microsystems
in more than 100 countries.
Leica Microsystems’ mission is to be the world’s first-choice provider of innova-
tive solutions to our customers’ needs for vision, measurement and analysis of
Leica, the leading brand for microscopes and scientific instruments, developed
from five brand names, all with a long tradition: Wild, Leitz, Reichert, Jung and
Cambridge Instruments. Yet Leica symbolizes innovation as well as tradition.
In accordance with the ISO 9001 certificate, Leica Microsystems (Switzerland) Ltd, Business
Unit Stereo & Macroscope Systems has at its disposal a management system that meets the re
quirements of the international standard for quality management. In addition, production meets
the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001 for environmental management.
The companies of the Leica Micro-
systems Group operate international
ly in three business segments, where
we rank with the market leaders.
Microscopy Systems
Our expertise in microscopy is the
basis for all our solutions for visuali
zation, measurement and analysis of
micro-structures in life sciences and
industry. With confocal laser techno
logy and image analysis systems, we
provide three-dimensional viewing
facilities and offer new solutions for
cytogenetics, pathology and materi
als sciences.
Specimen Preparation
We provide comprehensive systems
and services for clinical histo- and
cytopathology applications, bio
medical research and industrial
quality assurance. Our product range
includes instruments, systems and
consumables for tissue infiltration
and embedding, microtomes and cry
ostats as well as automated stainers
and coverslippers.
Medical Equipment
Innovative technologies in our surgi-
cal microscopes offer new therapeu
tic approaches in microsurgery.