Housing - the maximum lifetime of this part of the product is given by the
lifetime of non-metallic materials used in the device and equals to the
lifetime of materials used in the pipeline distribution system.
Quick connection valve - the maximum lifetime is 10 years. The owner of
the equipment must avoid any repeated use of the product (appropriate
marking, degradation …).
Maintenance, servicing and repairs are described below.
At the end of the product’s life time (max. 10 years), the product must be
withdrawn from service. The owner of the device shall prevent the reuse
of the product and handle the product in compliance with “Directive of
European Parliament and Council 2008/98/EC on waste“.
In accordance to Article 33 of REACH GCE, s.r.o. as responsible
manufacturer shall inform all customers if materials containing 0.1% or
more of substances included in the list of Substance of Very High Concern
The most commonly used brass alloys used for bodies and other brass
components contain 2-3% of lead (Pb), EC no. 231-468-6, CAS no. 7439-
92-1. The lead will not be released to the gas or surrounding environment
during normal use. After end of life the product shall be scrapped by an
authorized metal recycler to ensure ecient material handling with minimal
impact to environment and health.
To date we have no information that indicates that other materials
containing SVHC of concentrations exceeding 0.1% are included in any
GCE product.
GCE recommends the product owner to make regular visual inspections
at least once a year, including checks for tightness and right functioning of
the terminal unit (See Chapter 6.2).
If any leakage or defect is found, please use the procedure described in
Chapter 9.3, and ensure execution of the repair by a person authorised
by GCE.
Maximum usability time within the framework of the maintenance shall be
10 years.
Some repairs within the framework of the maintenance concerning
replacement of damaged or missing parts can be carried out by the
product owner. It is possible to replace the following parts only:
• labels
All labels on the product must be kept in a good and legible condition
during the entire product life time.
In order to identify a suitable component please contact our technical
assistance organisation. Users themselves cannot replace the parts with
a CE label without the consent of GCE.