5.1 Preparing for socket fabrication
>Required tools and materials:
99B81 PVA bag, 616G6 Dacron® felt, 623T3 Perlon stockinette,
616G12 carbon fibre cloth, 300 617H32* Pedilen rigid foam,
636K8* plastaband, 633F23=1 silicone grease, 617H21 Orthocryl
sealing resin, 617H119 80:20 PRO Orthocryl lamination resin
1) Pull a soaked PVA bag over the model.
2) Apply one layer of Dacron felt to the model and thin out the fibres
along the edge.
3) Pull two layers of Perlon stockinette over the model.
4) Place three layers of carbon fibre cloth (e.g. 15 cm x 15 cm), off
set on the distal end of the model.
5) Pull two layers of Perlon stockinette over the model.
6) Pull a soaked PVA bag over the model.
7) Perform the lamination process with Orthocryl.
8) Once the lamination resin has cured, remove the PVA bag.
9) Foam the distal end of the model with Pedilen rigid foam.
10) Trim the rigid foam, sand it flat in the desired position and taper it
below the flat surface (see fig.2).
11) Apply sealing resin to the rigid foam.
12) Fill the holes on the underside of the lamination disc with
13) Apply silicone grease to the contact surface of the lamination
dummy and put on the lamination dummy (see fig.3).
5.2 Fabricating the prosthetic socket
>Required tools and materials:
99B81 PVA bag, 623T9 Nylglass stockinette, 616G4 fibreglass
mat, 616G12 carbon fibre cloth, 616G14* woven carbon fibre
glass stockinette, 617H119 80:20 PRO Orthocryl lamination resin
1) Prepare for fabrication of the prosthetic socket (see page10).
2) Stitch 2 layers of Nylglass stockinette and pull them over the mod
3) Pull 1 layer of fibreglass mat over the model.
4) Lay 1 layer of carbon fibre cloth mediolaterally over the model, up
to approximately 2cm distally of the socket brim.
5) Position the lamination disc on the model.
6) Pull 2 layers of Nylglass stockinette over the model and tie off in
the groove of the lamination disc (see fig.4).
7) Cut 1 piece of Nylglass stockinette (twice the length of the mod
el). Pull the Nylglass stockinette halfway over the model.
8) Reinforce the area of the lamination disc and rigid foam with a
6cm to 8cm wide layer of carbon fibre cloth (616G12 or
9) Tie off the carbon fibre cloth in the groove of the lamination disc.
10) Fold the second half of the Nylglass stockinette over the model.
11) Trim a layer of woven carbon fibreglass stockinette (1.5 times the
length of the plaster model).
12) Pull the woven carbon fibreglass stockinette over the distal half of
the model and tie it off in the groove of the lamination disc (see
fig.5). Fold the excess woven carbon fibreglass stockinette over
the model.
13) Pull 2 layers of Nylglass stockinette over the model.
14) Trim a piece of woven carbon fibreglass stockinette (1.5 times the
length of the plaster model) and pull it over the model. Fold the
excess woven carbon fibreglass stockinette over the model.
15) Position a layer of carbon fibre cloth over the lamination disc.
16) Pull 2 layers of Nylglass stockinette over the model.
17) Pull a soaked PVA bag over the model.
18) Perform the lamination process with Orthocryl.
5.3 Final assembly
Improper assembly of the screw connections
Risk of injury due to breakage or loosening of the screw connec
►Clean the threads before every installation.