AL-KO Universal Submersible Pump Twin 10000 Combi, 11,000 L / h, TWIN 10000 combi Používateľská príručka

  • Prečítal som si návod na použitie pre ponorné pumpy AL-KO TWIN 10000 combi a TWIN 14000 combi. Som pripravený odpovedať na vaše otázky týkajúce sa ich funkcií, prevádzky, údržby a riešenia problémov. Návod obsahuje informácie o použití pumpy, jej technické parametre a postupy pri odstraňovaní chýb.
  • Ako môžem nastaviť výšku zapínania a vypínania automatickej prevádzky?
    Čo mám robiť, ak sa motor pumpy nezapne?
    Aké tekutiny môžem s touto pumpou čerpať?
Garden + Hobby
467 357_b I 07/2010
TWIN 10000 Combi TWIN 14000 Combi
Art-Nr. 112 380 Art-Nr. 112 373
Twin 10000 Combi Twin 14000 Combi
Art. Nr.
112 380
Art. Nr.
112 373
750 W 950 W
230 V, 50 Hz 230 V, 50 Hz
8,5 m 9,5 m
11000 l/h 14000 l/h
max. 7 m max. 7 m
max. 20 mm max. 30 mm
max. 35 °C max. 35 °C
ca. 13 cm ca. 13 cm
ca. 47 cm
ca. 13 cm
ca. 47 cm
ca. 13 cm
min. 6 cm min. 6 cm
ca. 5 mm ca. 5 mm
10 m 10 m
7 kg 7,5 kg
Lesen Sie vor der Inbetriebnahme der Tauch-
pumpe diese Bedienungsanleitung sorgfältig
durch. Dies ist die Voraussetzung für sicheres
Arbeiten und störungsfreie Handhabung.
Bewahren Sie die Bedienungsanleitung stets
verfügbar auf und geben Sie diese auch an
Nachbenutzer weiter.
Nachfolgend sind die in dieser Bedienungs-
anleitung verwendeten Symbole erläutert:
steht bei Arbeits- oder Betriebsverfahren,
die genau einzuhalten sind, um eine
Gefährdung von Personen auszuschlie-
enthält Informationen, die beachtet wer-
den müssen, um Schäden am Gerät zu
steht für technische Erfordernisse, die
besonders beachtet werden müssen.
D 1 Original-Betriebsanleitung
Die Tauchpumpe darf nur an einer elekt-
rischen Einrichtung gemäß DIN/VDE
0100, Teil 737, 738 und 702 betrieben
werden. Zur Absicherung müssen ein
Leitungs-Schutzschalter 10 A sowie ein
Fehlerstromschutzschalter mit einem
Nennfehlerstrom von 10/30 mA installiert
Die Angaben über Netzspannung und
Stromart am Typenschild müssen mit den
Daten Ihres Elektronetzes übereinstim-
Verwenden Sie nur Verlängerungskabel
3 x 1,5 mm
der Qualität H07RN-F nach
DIN 57282/57245 mit spritzwasserge-
schützter Steckvorrichtung. Kabeltrom-
meln müssen vollständig abgerollt sein.
Die Tauchpumpe darf nicht betrieben
werden von:
Personen, die die Bedienungsanlei-
tung nicht gelesen und verstanden
Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 16
Die Tauchpumpe darf nur bestimmungs-
gemäß verwendet werden. Stellen Sie vor
Gebrauch sicher, dass:
die Tauchpumpe, das Anschlusskabel
und der Netzstecker nicht beschädigt
sich keine Personen im Kontakt mit
dem Fördermedium befinden.
Beschädigte Tauchpumpen dürfen nicht
betrieben werden. Reparaturen dürfen
nur durch unsere Kundendienstwerkstät-
ten durchgeführt werden.
Die Tauchpumpe nie am Anschlusskabel
hochheben, transportieren oder be-
festigen. Benutzen Sie das Anschlusska-
bel nicht, um den Netzstecker aus der
Steckdose zu ziehen.
Ziehen Sie vor Wartungs-, Pflege- und
Reparaturarbeiten oder bei Störungen
stets den Netzstecker. Schützen Sie den
Netzstecker vor Feuchtigkeit.
Jegliche eigenmächtigen Veränderungen
oder Umbauten an der Tauchpumpe sind
Bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung
Die Tauchpumpe ist für die private Nutzung in
Haus und Garten bestimmt. Sie darf nur im
Rahmen der Einsatzgrenzen gemäß den techni-
schen Daten betrieben werden.
Die Tauchpumpe ist ausschließlich für folgende
Anwendungen geeignet:
zur Entwässerung bei Überschwemmungen
für das Um- und Auspumpen von Behältern
zur Wasserentnahme aus Brunnen und
zum Belüften/Umwälzen von Teichen und
künstlichen Wasserläufen
zum Entwässern von Drainagen und Sicker-
Die Tauchpumpe ist ausschließlich zum Fördern
von folgenden Flüssigkeiten geeignet:
chlorhaltigem Wasser (Schwimmbadwasser)
Schmutzwasser mit max. 5% Schwebstoffan-
teil und einer Korngröße von max. 30 mm
Durchmesser (TWIN 10000 max. 20 mm).
Bestimmungswidrige Verwendung
Die Tauchpumpe darf nicht im Dauerbetrieb
eingesetzt werden. Sie ist nicht geeignet zur
Förderung von:
aggressiven Medien, Chemikalien
ätzenden, brennbaren, explosiven oder
gasenden Flüssigkeiten
Flüssigkeiten, die wärmer als 35 °C sind
sandhaltigem Wasser und schmirgelnden
Original-Betriebsanleitung D 2
Tauchpumpe (Bild A)
1 Schwimmerschalter
2 Kabelklemmung
3 Anschlusskabel
4 Tragegriff
5 Kombinippel
6 Anschlusswinkel
7 Pumpengehäuse
8 Verstellbarer Saugkorb
9 Rastschrauben
Die Tauchpumpe saugt das Fördermedium durch
die Ansaugöffnungen des verstellbaren Saug-
korbs an und fördert zum Pumpenausgang. Bei
Saugkorb in Stellung "Unten" kann Klar- und
Schmutzwasser gefördert werden, bei Saugkorb
in Stellung "Oben" nur Klarwasser.
Die Tauchpumpe ist mit einem Thermoschalter
ausgestattet, der die Pumpe bei Überhitzung
abschaltet. Nach einer Abkühlphase von ca. 15 -
20 Minuten schaltet die Pumpe selbsttätig wieder
ein. Betreiben Sie die Pumpe nur im eingetauch-
ten Zustand.
Geräteaufstellung, Inbetrieb-
Druckleitung montieren
1. Schrauben Sie den Anschlusswinkel (6) in
den Pumpenausgang ein.
2. Schrauben Sie den Kombinippel (5) in den
Anschlusswinkel (6) ein.
3. Befestigen Sie einen Schlauch am Kombi-
Der Kombinippel kann entsprechend dem
gewählten Schlauchanschluss abge-
schnitten werden. Die beste Förderleis-
tung wird durch Verwenden des größt-
möglichen Schlauchdurchmessers er-
4. Wickeln Sie das Anschlusskabel ganz ab.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass elektrische
Steckverbindungen im überflutungssiche-
ren Bereich angebracht sind.
Tauchen Sie die Pumpe langsam in das
Fördermedium ein. Halten Sie die Pumpe
dabei leicht schräg, damit eventuell ein-
geschlossene Luft durch die Entlüftungs-
bohrung entweichen kann (entlüften).
Dabei entstehen Luftblasen unter Wasser.
Beim erstmaligen Eintauchen der Pumpe
kann es einige Sekunden dauern bis die
Luft entweicht.
Achten Sie auf sicheren Stand der Pum-
pe. Stellen Sie die Pumpe bei schlammi-
gem, sandigem oder steinigem Unter-
grund auf eine geeignete Platte, oder
betreiben Sie die Pumpe an einem Seil
hängend. Achten Sie auf ausreichenden
Abstand zum Grund.
Die Pumpe darf keine Festkörper ansau-
gen. Sand und andere schmirgelnde
Stoffe im Fördermedium zerstören die
Pumpe. Befestigen Sie zum Eintauchen
der Pumpe in Brunnen und Schächten ein
Seil am Tragegriff. Achten Sie bei
Schächten auf ausreichende Dimensio-
nierung, siehe Bild B.
Decken Sie Schächte trittsicher ab.
Saugkorb verstellen (Bild D)
1. Saugkorb durch Drehen nach rechts ausras-
ten (1), nach oben oder unten verstellen (2)
und durch Drehen nach links wieder einras-
ten (3).
Ein- und Ausschalthöhe siehe technische
Stellen Sie im Automatikbetrieb den
Saugkorb in Stellung "Unten", um die
größtmögliche Förderleistung zu errei-
1. Stecken Sie den Netzstecker in die Steckdo-
se und den Betriebswahlschalter auf "AUTO"
(Bild F). Die Pumpe schaltet bei Erreichen
eines bestimmten Wasserstandes (Ein-
schalthöhe) durch den Schwimmerschalter
automatisch ein und beim Abfallen des
Wasserstandes auf die Ausschalthöhe wie-
der ab, siehe technische Daten.
D 3 Original-Betriebsanleitung
Schließen Sie durch geeignete Maßnah-
men aus, dass bei Störungen an der
Pumpe Folgeschäden durch die Überflu-
tung von Räumen entstehen. Dies ist
beispielsweise durch die Installation einer
Alarmanlage oder einer Reservepumpe
Lassen Sie die Pumpe nicht gegen eine
geschlossene Druckleitung laufen.
Manueller Betrieb
Im manuellen Betrieb kann das Wasser
bis auf eine Restwasserhöhe von ca.
5 mm abgepumpt werden.
Der Mindestwasserstand zur Inbetrieb-
nahme muss 6 cm betragen.
Abpumpen auf Restwasserhöhe
Zum Abpumpen auf Restwasserhöhe den Saug-
korb in Stellung "Oben“ bringen und wie folgt
1. Stecken Sie den Netzstecker in die Steckdo-
se und stellen den Betriebswahlschalter auf
"MAN" (Bild F). Die Pumpe beginnt zu för-
Ist die Wasserhöhe niedriger als 6 cm,
wird das Abpumpen beschleunigt, wenn
Sie die Pumpe nach ca. 30 s Betrieb für
1-2 s aus- und wieder einschalten. Wie-
derholen Sie dies ggf. mehrmals.
Beaufsichtigen Sie die Pumpe beim
Abpumpen auf Restwasserhöhe ständig
und vermeiden Sie den Trockenlauf der
Pumpe. Setzen Sie die Pumpe bei Errei-
chen der Restwasserhöhe durch Um-
schalten des Betriebswahlschalters auf
"AUTO" außer Betrieb. Die Pumpe schal-
tet sich bei Erreichen der Einschalthöhe
für den Automatikbetrieb wieder ein.
Wird die Restwasserhöhe unterschritten
(kleiner 5 mm) saugt die Pumpe Luft an.
In diesem Fall muss die Pumpe bei an-
steigendem Wasserstand und vor erneu-
tem Betrieb entlüftet werden (siehe Inbe-
Einstellen der Ein- und Ausschalthöhe
Das Kabel des Schwimmerschalters ist am Pum-
pengehäuse festgeklemmt. Durch Verändern der
Klemmposition können die Schaltpunkte des
Schwimmerschalters individuell eingestellt wer-
den. Empfohlene Kabellänge des Schwimmer-
schalters ca. 120 mm.
Pumpe ausschalten
1. Ziehen Sie den Netzstecker aus der Steck-
Wartung und Pflege
Vor Beginn jeder Wartungsarbeit ist das
Gerät vom Netz zu trennen und gegen
Wiedereinschalten zu sichern.
Nach Förderung von chlorhaltigem
Schwimmbadwasser oder Flüssigkeiten, die
Rückstände hinterlassen, muss die Pumpe
mit klarem Wasser durchgespült werden
Reinigen Sie die Ansaugöffnungen des
Saugkorbs sowie den Pumpenfuß nach Be-
darf mit klarem Wasser.
Saugkorb demontieren (Bild E)
1. Rastschrauben (3) ausdrehen und den
Saugkorb (2) vom Pumpenfuß (1) abziehen.
2. Saugkorb und Pumpenfuß reinigen.
3. Saugkorb wieder aufsetzen und die Rast-
schrauben einschrauben.
Schützen Sie die Pumpe vor Frost. Dazu
die Pumpe entleeren und frostsicher
RL 2002/96 EG
Das Gerät darf nicht dem Hausmüll beigefügt sondern muss fachgerecht
entsorgt werden. Verpackung und Zubehör sind aus recyclingfähigen Materia-
lien hergestellt und entsprechend zu entsorgen.
Vor allen Arbeiten zur Störungsbeseitigung den Netzstecker ziehen.
Störung Ursache Beseitigung
Motor läuft nicht Laufrad blockiert
Schmutz im Ansaugbereich
Thermoschalter hat abgeschaltet
Warten, bis der Thermoschalter
die Pumpe wieder einschaltet.
Auf maximale Temperatur des
Fördermediums achten. Pumpe
prüfen lassen
Keine Netzspannung vorhanden
Stromversorgung von Elektro-
fachkraft prüfen lassen
Schwimmerschalter schaltet nicht bei
ansteigendem Wasserstand
Pumpe an eine AL-KO Service-
stelle schicken
Tauchpumpe läuft, aber
fördert nicht
Luft im Pumpengehäuse
Luft durch Schräghalten der
Pumpe entweichen lassen.
Maximal ca. 3 min warten bis das
Luftpolster aus dem Pumpen-
raum entwichen ist
Im Flachsaugebetrieb ggf. mehr-
mals kurzzeitig ein- und aus-
Saugseitige Verstopfung
Schmutz im Ansaugbereich
Druckleitung geschlossen Druckleitung öffnen
Druckschlauch geknickt Druckschlauch strecken
Druckseitige Verstopfung Verstopfung beseitigen
Fördermenge zu gering Schlauchdurchmesser zu klein
Größeren Druckschlauch ver-
Saugseitige Verstopfung
Schmutz im Ansaugbereich
Förderhöhe zu groß Förderhöhe verringern
Bei nicht behebbaren Störungen wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren zuständigen Kundendienst.
Original-Betriebsanleitung D 4
Please read the operating instructions carefully
before you use the submersible pump to prevent
accidents and ensure the trouble-free operation
of the pump.
Make sure you keep the instructions at hand for
quick reference. If you resell your pump or give it
to another user, please include these instructions
in the sale or the gift.
The following symbols are used in the instruc-
This symbol draws your attention to
work processes or operating proce-
dures that have to be carefully observed
in order to prevent serious injury to the
user or another person.
This symbol draws your attention to
information you need to ensure that
your pump is not damaged due to
improper or careless use.
The information symbol draws your
attention to essential technical require-
For Your Safety
The submersible pump may only be
connected to an electrical device which is
compliant with DIN/VDE 0100, Parts 737,
738 and 702. Make sure that fuse protec-
tion in the form of a 10 A automatic cut-
out and a fault current guard circuit with a
nominal fault current of 10/30 mA is in-
The supply voltage and current specified
on the type plate must be identical with
the voltage and current of your electrical
If you need to connect your pump to an
extension cord, make sure that the cable
is 3 x 1.5 mm
that it corresponds to type
H07RN-F and is compliant with
DIN 57282/57245. The connector must be
splash-proof. Cable drums must be com-
pletely unwound.
The submersible pump may not be oper-
ated by anyone
who has not read or does not fully
understand the operating manual or
is under the age of 16.
The submersible pump may not be used
for any other than its designated use.
Before putting the pump into operation,
make sure that
the submersible pump, the electric
cable and the plug are not worn or
damaged and
Nobody is near, touching or in the
liquid to be pumped.
Do not operate the submersible pump if it
is damaged. Necessary repairs must be
carried out in a qualified AL-KO service
Never use the electric cable to lift, carry or
attach the submersible pump to another
object. Do not pull on the cable when
unplugging the pump.
Make sure that the pump is unplugged
before beginning any maintenance, repair
or cleaning work. In the event of a mal-
function, immediately unplug the pump.
Make sure that the plug does not get wet.
Do not attempt to make any changes or
modifications to the submersible pump by
yourself. You may endanger your life or
invalidate the warranty.
Designated use
The submersible pump is designed for home
use in your house or garden. Please observe
the technical data given in the instructions
before putting the pump into operation.
Your submersible pump has been designed for
use in the following applications:
emptying your cellar or house after a flood,
emptying containers or pumping liquid from
one container into another,
pumping water from wells,
aerating garden ponds or artificial brooks
and streams,
emptying drains or cisterns.
The submersible pump is designed to pump only
the following liquids:
clear water,
rain water,
GB 1 Translation of original user instructions
chlorine water (pool water),
water for domestic use,
waste water with no more than 5%
suspended matter and a grain size of max.
30 mm diameter (TWIN 10000 max. 20 mm).
Translation of original user instructions GB 2
Prohibited use
Your submersible pump is not intended for
permanent operation. The pump may not be
used to pump the following liquids:
drinking water,
salt water,
beverages or liquid foods,
corrosives or chemicals
acids or combustible, explosive or gas-
forming liquids,
liquids with a temperature above 35 °C
sandy water or water containing abrasives,
Description of the Pump
Submersible pump (Fig. A)
1 Swimmer switch
2 Cable clamp
3 Electric cable
4 Handle
5 Multi-size nipple
6 Elbow connector
7 Pump housing
8 Adjustable suction basket
9 Click-stop screws
Function of the pump
The submersible pump sucks the liquid to be
pumped into the pump through the suction open-
ings of the adjustable suction basket and pumps
it out at the outlet. With the suction basket in
“bottom” setting, clear and wastewater can be
pumped, with the suction basket in “top” setting,
only clear water can be pumped.
Thermal protection
Your submersible pump is equipped with a ther-
mal protection switch, which automatically swit-
ches off the pump in case of overheating. The
pump will remain off until it has cooled down.
After about 15 - 20 minutes, the pump will auto-
matically switch on.
Setting up and Operating the
Assembling the pressure line
1. Screw the elbow connector (6) into the pump
2. Screw the multi-size nipple (5) into the elbow
connector (6).
3. Attach a hose to the multi-size nipple.
You can cut off the tip of the multi-size
nipple to fit the diameter of the hose you
are using. Using a hose with the largest
possible diameter will greatly improve the
performance of the pump.
4. Uncoil the electric cable completely.
Make sure that any electrical connections
are not exposed to water and do not lie
within the outflow of the pump.
When placing the pump in the liquid,
make sure to let it down slowly. You may
need to tilt the pump slightly so that air
trapped in the body is released through
the outlet holes (air removal). Air bubbles
will appear under the water. When placing
the pump into water for the first time, it
can take several seconds before air is
Pay attention to secure placement of the
pump. If the base should be sandy or
muddy or rocky and uneven, place the
pump on a suitable hard, flat surface or
suspend it from a rope attached to a
secure object. Make sure to leave ade-
quate room between the pump and the
bottom so that it cannot suck up solid
Make sure that the pump does not suck in
solid matter. Sand or other abrasive
particles suspended in the liquid will lead
to increased wear and tear and may
impact the performance of your pump.
Before lowering the pump into a well or a
cistern, attach a rope to the handle. When
placing the pump inside a cistern, make
sure that the shaft is large enough for the
pump to fit. For min. shaft dimensions,
see Figure B.
Place a cover over the cistern so that no
one will fall in.
Adjusting the suction basket (Fig. D)
1. Release the suction basket by turning it to
the right (1), move upwards or downwards
(2) and lock back in by turning it to the
left (3).
Automatic operation
See technical data for cut-in on and cut-
off levels.
In automatic operation, place the suc-
tion basket into the "bottom" position in
order to achieve the greatest possible
pumping output.
1. Plug the pump into the socket and set the
operation selection switch to “AUTO” (Fig.
F). As soon as the pump has reached the
cut-in (= START) level, the float switch will
automatically switch the pump on. When the
liquid has fallen below the cut-off (=STOP)
level, the pump will automatically switch off,
see technical data.
GB 3 Translation of original user instructions
Take suitable measures, e.g. installation
of an alarm or a back-up pump, to ensure
that flooding will not occur if the pump
should malfunction.
Make sure that the pump does not run on
a blocked or closed pressure hose.
Manual operation
In manual operation, the water can be
pumped out up to a residual water level of
approx. 5 mm.
The minimum water level for operation
must be 6 cm.
Pumping out remaining liquid
Before you can pump out any remaining liquid,
set the suction basket to “top” position and pro-
ceed as follows:
1. Plug the electric cable into the socket and
set the operation selection switch to “MAN”
(Fig. F). The pumping will begin.
If the water level is lower than 6 cm the
pumping will be accelerated if, after 30 s
of operation, you switch the pump off and
back on for 1 – 2 s. Repeat this several
times, if necessary.
While pumping out remaining liquid, make
sure to keep the pump under constant
observation and avoid allowing the pump
to suck air. Upon reaching the residual
water level, switch the pump off by
switching the operation selection switch
to “AUTO”. The pump will then switch
back on for automatic operation when the
cut-in level is reached.
If the level of the remaining water drops
below 5 mm, the pump will suck in air.
Before using the pump again to drain
liquid, the air trapped in the pump will
have to be let out (see Setting up and
Operating the Pump).
Adjusting the cut-in and cut-off levels
The float switch cable is attached to the
pump housing. You can adjust the cut-in =
START and cut-off = STOP levels for opera-
tion by simply changing the height of the
switch as desired. Recommended length of
the float switch cable is approx. 120 mm.
Switching off the Pump
1. To switch off the pump, just pull the plug of
the electric cable from the socket.
Maintenance and Cleaning
Before beginning any maintenance or
cleaning work, make sure that the pump
has been unplugged and take precautions
to ensure that it cannot be switched on
during work!
Cleaning the pump
If you have used your pump to pump chlorine
water (pool water) or liquids which leave a
residue, flush your pump out with clear water
after use.
Clean the suction openings of the suction
basket and pump base with clear water as
Dismantling the suction basket (Fig. E)
1. Remove click-stop screws (3) and pull the
suction basket (2) off of the pump base (1).
2. Clean suction basket and pump base.
3. Re-mount suction basket and screw in the
click-stop screws.
Protect from frost
Your pump is susceptible to low temperatures. Make sure to empty the pump of residual liquid
and store it so that it is protected from frost.
The device must not be included in household waste, but rather, it must be disposed
of professionally. The appliance, its packaging and accessories are all produced from
recyclable materials and must be disposed of accordingly
Before you attempt to remedy any malfunction of your pump, pull the plug to prevent injury
or death due to electrocution!
What is wrong? What is the possible reason? How to remedy the malfunction:
Motor does not run. Impeller is blocked.
Remove blockage in inlet area.
Clean the impeller with a jet of
Thermal switch has switched off.
Wait until the thermal switch has
automatically turned the pump on
again. Check water temperature.
Have the pump checked.
No power.
Have a qualified electrician check
the power supply.
Float switch does not work even
though liquid is above cut-in level.
Send pump to your nearest
AL-KO service centre.
Submersible pump runs but
is not pumping out liquid.
Air is trapped in the pump hous-
Tilt the pump to let the trapped air
Wait for a maximum of 3 minutes
until the air cushion has escaped
from the pump space.
In flat suction operation, switch on
an off briefly several times, if
Suction slots are blocked.
Remove blockage and clean
suction slots.
Pressure line is blocked. Clear blockage in pressure line.
Pressure hose is bent. Straighten out pressure hose.
Pressure blockage Clear blockage
Submersible pump is only
pumping out liquid very
slowly or weakly.
Hose diameter is too small.
Attach a hose with a larger diame-
Suction slots are blocked.
Remove blockage and clean
suction slots.
Pumping height is too great. Lower pumping height.
If you are unable to remedy a malfunction, please call the AL-KO service centre nearest you.
Translation of original user instructions GB 4
Please read the operating instructions carefully
before you use the submersible pump to prevent
accidents and ensure the trouble-free operation
of the pump.
Make sure you keep the instructions at hand for
quick reference. If you resell your pump or give it
to another user, please include these instructions
in the sale or the gift.
The following symbols are used in the instruc-
This symbol draws your attention to
work processes or operating proce-
dures that have to be carefully observed
in order to prevent serious injury to the
user or another person.
This symbol draws your attention to
information you need to ensure that
your pump is not damaged due to
improper or careless use.
The information symbol draws your
attention to essential technical require-
For Your Safety
The submersible pump may only be
connected to an electrical device which is
compliant with DIN/VDE 0100, Parts 737,
738 and 702. Make sure that fuse protec-
tion in the form of a 10 A automatic cut-
out and a fault current guard circuit with a
nominal fault current of 10/30 mA is in-
The supply voltage and current specified
on the type plate must be identical with
the voltage and current of your electrical
If you need to connect your pump to an
extension cord, make sure that the cable
is 3 x 1.5 mm
that it corresponds to type
H07RN-F and is compliant with
DIN 57282/57245. The connector must be
splash-proof. Cable drums must be com-
pletely unwound.
The submersible pump may not be oper-
ated by anyone
who has not read or does not fully
understand the operating manual or
is under the age of 16.
The submersible pump may not be used
for any other than its designated use.
Before putting the pump into operation,
make sure that
the submersible pump, the electric
cable and the plug are not worn or
damaged and
Nobody is near, touching or in the
liquid to be pumped.
Do not operate the submersible pump if it
is damaged. Necessary repairs must be
carried out in a qualified AL-KO service
Never use the electric cable to lift, carry or
attach the submersible pump to another
object. Do not pull on the cable when
unplugging the pump.
Make sure that the pump is unplugged
before beginning any maintenance, repair
or cleaning work. In the event of a mal-
function, immediately unplug the pump.
Make sure that the plug does not get wet.
Do not attempt to make any changes or
modifications to the submersible pump by
yourself. You may endanger your life or
invalidate the warranty.
Designated use
The submersible pump is designed for home
use in your house or garden. Please observe
the technical data given in the instructions
before putting the pump into operation.
Your submersible pump has been designed for
use in the following applications:
emptying your cellar or house after a flood,
emptying containers or pumping liquid from
one container into another,
pumping water from wells,
aerating garden ponds or artificial brooks
and streams,
emptying drains or cisterns.
The submersible pump is designed to pump only
the following liquids:
clear water,
rain water,
GB 1 Traducción del manual de instrucciones original
chlorine water (pool water),
water for domestic use,
waste water with no more than 5%
suspended matter and a grain size of max.
30 mm diameter (TWIN 10000 max. 20 mm).
Translation of original user instructions GB 2
Prohibited use
Your submersible pump is not intended for
permanent operation. The pump may not be
used to pump the following liquids:
drinking water,
salt water,
beverages or liquid foods,
corrosives or chemicals
acids or combustible, explosive or gas-
forming liquids,
liquids with a temperature above 35 °C
sandy water or water containing abrasives,
Description of the Pump
Submersible pump (Fig. A)
1 Swimmer switch
2 Cable clamp
3 Electric cable
4 Handle
5 Multi-size nipple
6 Elbow connector
7 Pump housing
8 Adjustable suction basket
9 Click-stop screws
Function of the pump
The submersible pump sucks the liquid to be
pumped into the pump through the suction open-
ings of the adjustable suction basket and pumps
it out at the outlet. With the suction basket in
“bottom” setting, clear and wastewater can be
pumped, with the suction basket in “top” setting,
only clear water can be pumped.
Thermal protection
Your submersible pump is equipped with a ther-
mal protection switch, which automatically swit-
ches off the pump in case of overheating. The
pump will remain off until it has cooled down.
After about 15 - 20 minutes, the pump will auto-
matically switch on.
Setting up and Operating the
Assembling the pressure line
1. Screw the elbow connector (6) into the pump
2. Screw the multi-size nipple (5) into the elbow
connector (6).
3. Attach a hose to the multi-size nipple.
You can cut off the tip of the multi-size
nipple to fit the diameter of the hose you
are using. Using a hose with the largest
possible diameter will greatly improve the
performance of the pump.
4. Uncoil the electric cable completely.
Make sure that any electrical connections
are not exposed to water and do not lie
within the outflow of the pump.
When placing the pump in the liquid,
make sure to let it down slowly. You may
need to tilt the pump slightly so that air
trapped in the body is released through
the outlet holes (air removal). Air bubbles
will appear under the water. When placing
the pump into water for the first time, it
can take several seconds before air is
Pay attention to secure placement of the
pump. If the base should be sandy or
muddy or rocky and uneven, place the
pump on a suitable hard, flat surface or
suspend it from a rope attached to a
secure object. Make sure to leave ade-
quate room between the pump and the
bottom so that it cannot suck up solid
Make sure that the pump does not suck in
solid matter. Sand or other abrasive
particles suspended in the liquid will lead
to increased wear and tear and may
impact the performance of your pump.
Before lowering the pump into a well or a
cistern, attach a rope to the handle. When
placing the pump inside a cistern, make
sure that the shaft is large enough for the
pump to fit. For min. shaft dimensions,
see Figure B.
Place a cover over the cistern so that no
one will fall in.
Adjusting the suction basket (Fig. D)
1. Release the suction basket by turning it to
the right (1), move upwards or downwards
(2) and lock back in by turning it to the
left (3).
Automatic operation
See technical data for cut-in on and cut-
off levels.
In automatic operation, place the suc-
tion basket into the "bottom" position in
order to achieve the greatest possible
pumping output.
1. Plug the pump into the socket and set the
operation selection switch to “AUTO” (Fig.
F). As soon as the pump has reached the
cut-in (= START) level, the float switch will
automatically switch the pump on. When the
liquid has fallen below the cut-off (=STOP)
level, the pump will automatically switch off,
see technical data.
GB 3 Traducción del manual de instrucciones original
Take suitable measures, e.g. installation
of an alarm or a back-up pump, to ensure
that flooding will not occur if the pump
should malfunction.
Make sure that the pump does not run on
a blocked or closed pressure hose.
Manual operation
In manual operation, the water can be
pumped out up to a residual water level of
approx. 5 mm.
The minimum water level for operation
must be 6 cm.
Pumping out remaining liquid
Before you can pump out any remaining liquid,
set the suction basket to “top” position and pro-
ceed as follows:
1. Plug the electric cable into the socket and
set the operation selection switch to “MAN”
(Fig. F). The pumping will begin.
If the water level is lower than 6 cm the
pumping will be accelerated if, after 30 s
of operation, you switch the pump off and
back on for 1 – 2 s. Repeat this several
times, if necessary.
While pumping out remaining liquid, make
sure to keep the pump under constant
observation and avoid allowing the pump
to suck air. Upon reaching the residual
water level, switch the pump off by
switching the operation selection switch
to “AUTO”. The pump will then switch
back on for automatic operation when the
cut-in level is reached.
If the level of the remaining water drops
below 5 mm, the pump will suck in air.
Before using the pump again to drain
liquid, the air trapped in the pump will
have to be let out (see Setting up and
Operating the Pump).
Adjusting the cut-in and cut-off levels
The float switch cable is attached to the
pump housing. You can adjust the cut-in =
START and cut-off = STOP levels for opera-
tion by simply changing the height of the
switch as desired. Recommended length of
the float switch cable is approx. 120 mm.
Switching off the Pump
1. To switch off the pump, just pull the plug of
the electric cable from the socket.
Maintenance and Cleaning
Before beginning any maintenance or
cleaning work, make sure that the pump
has been unplugged and take precautions
to ensure that it cannot be switched on
during work!
Cleaning the pump
If you have used your pump to pump chlorine
water (pool water) or liquids which leave a
residue, flush your pump out with clear water
after use.
Clean the suction openings of the suction
basket and pump base with clear water as
Dismantling the suction basket (Fig. E)
1. Remove click-stop screws (3) and pull the
suction basket (2) off of the pump base (1).
2. Clean suction basket and pump base.
3. Re-mount suction basket and screw in the
click-stop screws.
Protect from frost
Your pump is susceptible to low temperatures. Make sure to empty the pump of residual liquid
and store it so that it is protected from frost.
The device must not be included in household waste, but rather, it must be disposed
of professionally. The appliance, its packaging and accessories are all produced from
recyclable materials and must be disposed of accordingly
Before you attempt to remedy any malfunction of your pump, pull the plug to prevent injury
or death due to electrocution!
What is wrong? What is the possible reason? How to remedy the malfunction:
Motor does not run. Impeller is blocked.
Remove blockage in inlet area.
Clean the impeller with a jet of
Thermal switch has switched off.
Wait until the thermal switch has
automatically turned the pump on
again. Check water temperature.
Have the pump checked.
No power.
Have a qualified electrician check
the power supply.
Float switch does not work even
though liquid is above cut-in level.
Send pump to your nearest
AL-KO service centre.
Submersible pump runs but
is not pumping out liquid.
Air is trapped in the pump hous-
Tilt the pump to let the trapped air
Wait for a maximum of 3 minutes
until the air cushion has escaped
from the pump space.
In flat suction operation, switch on
an off briefly several times, if
Suction slots are blocked.
Remove blockage and clean
suction slots.
Pressure line is blocked. Clear blockage in pressure line.
Pressure hose is bent. Straighten out pressure hose.
Pressure blockage Clear blockage
Submersible pump is only
pumping out liquid very
slowly or weakly.
Hose diameter is too small.
Attach a hose with a larger diame-
Suction slots are blocked.
Remove blockage and clean
suction slots.
Pumping height is too great. Lower pumping height.
If you are unable to remedy a malfunction, please call the AL-KO service centre nearest you.
Traducción del manual de instrucciones original
GB 4
Prima della messa in funzione della pompa
sommersa, leggere attentamente il presente
libretto di istruzioni al fine di prevenire incidenti
ed assicurare un perfetto funzionamento.
Le istruzioni devono essere tenute a portata di
mano e devono essere cedute all'utente succes-
sivo in caso di vendita o cedimento della pompa.
Nel libretto di istruzioni viene usata la seguente
Questo simbolo riguarda le procedure di
lavorazione e di funzionamento, che
devono essere rispettate attentamente
per evitare pericoli all'utente o ad altre
Questo simbolo riguarda le informazioni
che devono essere rispettate per evita-
re danni all'apparecchio.
Questo simbolo informativo riguarda i
requisiti tecnici che devono essere
I 1 Traduzione delle istruzioni per l‘uso originali
Misure di sicurezza
La pompa deve essere azionata esclusi-
vamente da un impianto elettrico confor-
me a DIN/VDE 0100, Sezioni 737, 738 e
702. Per questioni di sicurezza, accertarsi
che sia installato un interruttore di prote-
zione salvavita 10°, nonché un interrutto-
re di sicurezza per correnti di guasto, con
una corrente di guasto nominale di
Le indicazioni relative alla tensione di rete
e al tipo di corrente, riportate in targhetta
tecnica, devono corrispondere alle carat-
teristiche del vostro impianto elettrico.
Se sono necessarie prolunghe, utilizzare
esclusivamente un cavo di prolungamen-
to 3x1,5 mm² del tipo H07RN-F conforme
a DIN 57282/57245, con una presa di
corrente protetta contro gli spruzzi d'ac-
qua. Le matasse dei cavi devono essere
completamente svolte.
La pompa non deve essere azionata da:
persone che non hanno letto e com-
preso il presente libretto d'istruzioni,
minori di 16 anni.
La pompa deve essere impiegata sola-
mente per l'uso a cui è destinata. Prima
della messa in funzione della pompa,
assicurarsi che:
la pompa, il cavo di alimentazione e la
spina non siano danneggiati
nessuna persona venga a contatto
con l'acqua.
Non azionare le pompe se sono danneg-
giate. Le riparazioni devono essere ese-
guite solamente dai centri assistenza
clienti AL-KO.
La pompa deve essere sollevata, traspor-
tata o fissata solamente dal manico. Non
utilizzare il cavo di alimentazione per
togliere la spina dalla presa di corrente.
Scollegare sempre la spina prima di
effettuare interventi di manutenzione,
pulizia e riparazioni oppure in caso di
anomalie. Proteggere la spina dall'umidi-
È vietato effettuare qualsiasi variazione o
modifica arbitraria alla pompa.
Applicazioni previste
La pompa è destinata all'utilizzo privato in casa e
in giardino. Deve essere utilizzata solamente
nell'ambito dei limiti d'impiego, conformemente
alle caratteristiche tecniche.
La pompa è idonea esclusivamente per le se-
guenti applicazioni:
svuotamento in caso di inondazioni;
svuotamento di serbatoi o travaso;
drenaggio di pozzi e pozzetti;
areazione/circolazione di stagni e corsi
d'acqua artificiali;
drenaggio di fogne e pozzi filtranti.
La pompa è idonea esclusivamente per il pom-
paggio dei seguenti liquidi:
acqua chiara;
acqua piovana;
acqua contenente cloro (acqua per piscine);
acqua per uso domestico;
liquame contenente una quantità massima di
materiale in sospensione del 5% e una grana
con diametro massimo di 30 mm.
(TWIN 10000 max. 20 mm).
Applicazioni vietate
La pompa non deve essere impiegata in servizio
continuo. La pompa non è idonea per il pompag-
gio di:
acqua potabile
acqua salata;
alimenti liquidi;
sostanze corrosive, chimiche;
liquidi acidi, infiammabili, esplosivi o volatili;
liquidi con temperatura superiore a 35°C;
acqua sabbiosa o liquidi abrasivi.
Descrizione della pompa
Traduzione delle istruzioni per l‘uso originali I 2
Pompa sommersa (Figura A)
1 Interruttore a galleggiante
2 Ferma cavo
3 Cavo di alimentazione
4 Manico
5 Nipplo multi-portagomma
6 Raccordo a gomito
7 Corpo pompa
8 Succhieruola regolabile
9 Viti di arresto
La pompa aspira l'acqua attraverso le aperture di
aspirazione (6) della succhieruola regolabile e la
eroga tramite la bocca di mandata. Se la suc-
chieruola si trova nella posizione “In basso”, è
possibile pompare acqua chiara e liquame, se si
trova nella posizione “In alto” soltanto acqua
Protezione termica
La pompa è dotata di un interruttore termico, che
la disinnesta in caso di surriscaldamento. Dopo
una fase di raffreddamento di circa 15-20 minuti,
la pompa si riavvia automaticamente. Utilizzare
la pompa solo se immersa in un liquido.
Installazione e messa in funzione
della pompa
1. Avvitare il raccordo a gomito (6) nella bocca
di mandata.
2. Avvitare il nipplo multi-portagomma (5) al
raccordo a gomito (6).
3. Fissare un tubo al nipplo multi-portagomma.
È possibile tagliare il nipplo multi-
portagomma per adattarlo al raccordo del
tubo prescelto. La portata migliore può
essere raggiunta utilizzando un tubo di
diametro più grande possibile.
4. Svolgere completamente il cavo di alimenta-
Assicurarsi che le spine elettriche siano
poste in luoghi non soggetti ad inondazio-
Immergere lentamente la pompa nell'ac-
qua. Mantenere la pompa in posizione
leggermente obliqua, al fine di far fuoriu-
scire l'eventuale aria rimasta all'interno
attraverso gli appositi fori (disaerare). In
questo modo, sotto l’acqua si formano
bolle d’aria. Durante la prima immersione
della pompa potrebbero trascorrere alcuni
secondi prima della fuoriuscita di tutta
l’aria. Fare attenzione al livello di sicurez-
za della pompa. In caso di sottosuolo
fangoso, sabbioso o sassoso è opportuno
mettere la pompa su un apposito piano
oppure azionare la pompa sospesa ad
una corda. Fare in modo di mantenere
una distanza sufficiente da terra.
La pompa non può aspirare alcun corpo
solido. Sabbia e altre sostanze abrasive
presenti nell'acqua distruggono la pompa.
Per le pompe immerse in pozzi e pozzetti
è opportuno fissare una corda al manico.
Nel caso di pozzetti è necessario accer-
tarsi che le dimensioni siano adeguate;
vedere figura B.
Aprire i pozzetti con cautela.
Regolazione della succhieruola
(figura D)
1. Rilasciare la succhieruola ruotandola verso
destra (1), regolarla in alto o in basso (2) e
bloccarla nuovamente ruotandola verso sini-
stra (3).
Funzionamento automatico
Per l’altezza di avvio e arresto, consultare
le caratteristiche tecniche.
Per il funzionamento automatico, colloca-
re la succhieruola nella posizione “In
basso“, per ottenere la massima potenza
di aspirazione possibile.
1. Inserire la spina nella presa di corrente e
impostare il selettore del funzionamento su
“AUTO” (figura F). Quando viene raggiunto
un determinato livello dell'acqua (altezza di
avvio), l'interruttore a galleggiante avvia au-
tomaticamente la pompa e la arresta in caso
di diminuzione del livello dell'acqua sotto l'al-
tezza di arresto. Consultare le caratteristiche
I 3 Traduzione delle istruzioni per l‘uso originali
Osservando misure adeguate, fare in
modo che in caso di guasti alla pompa
non si verifichino danni conseguenti
dovuti all'inondazione di ambienti. Ciò può
essere garantito ad esempio, con l'instal-
lazione di un dispositivo di allarme o di
una pompa di emergenza.
Non far girare la pompa con il tubo di
mandata chiuso o bloccato.
Funzionamento manuale
Nella modalità di funzionamento
manuale l’acqua può essere
pompata finché il livello dell’acqua
residua raggiunge ca. 5 mm.
Il livello minimo dell’acqua per
la messa in funzione della pompa
è 6 cm.
Pompaggio dell'acqua rimanente sopra
il livello d'acqua residua
Per pompare tutta l'acqua rimanente sopra il
livello d'acqua residua, portare la succhieruola
nella posizione “In alto” e procedere come se-
1. Inserire la spina nella presa di corrente e
portare il selettore del funzionamento su
“MAN” (figura F). La pompa inizia a pompa-
Se il livello dell’acqua è inferiore a 6 cm,
per accelerare il pompaggio occorre
disattivare la pompa per 1-2 secondi
dopo ca. 30 secondo di utilizzo, quindi
riattivarla. Ripetere più volte questa pro-
Tenere costantemente sotto controllo la
pompa durante il pompaggio dell'acqua
rimanente per evitare il funzionamento a
secco della pompa. Arrestare la pompa
quando l'acqua è stata completamente
eliminata. Commutare la posizione del
selettore del funzionamento su “AUTO”
fuori servizio. Al raggiungimento del
livello di avvio, la pompa riprende nuo-
vamente il funzionamento automatico.
Se l'altezza di acqua residua è inferiore a
5 mm, la pompa aspira aria. In questo
caso, prima di utilizzarla nuovamente, la
pompa deve essere privata dell'aria
rimasta all'interno del corpo pompa.
(vedere Messa in funzione).
Impostazione dell'altezza di avvio e
Il cavo dell'interruttore a galleggiante è bloccato
sul corpo pompa. I livelli di avvio e arresto pos-
sono essere regolati cambiando la posizione di
bloccaggio del cavo dell'interruttore a galleggian-
te sulla pompa. La lunghezza consigliata del
cavo dell'interruttore a galleggiante è di circa
120 mm.
Arresto della Pompa
1. È sufficiente estrarre la spina dalla presa di
Manutenzione e Pulizia
Prima di effettuare qualsiasi intervento di
manutenzione e pulizia, la pompa deve
essere scollegata dalla rete di alimenta-
zione e protetta dal rischio di riavvio
Pulizia della pompa
Lavare la pompa con acqua pulita dopo il
pompaggio di acqua contenente cloro oppu-
re che lascia residui.
Se necessario, pulire le aperture di aspira-
zione della succhieruola e della base della
pompa con acqua pulita.
Rimozione della succhieruola (Figura E)
1. Svitare le viti di arresto (3) e rimuovere la
succhieruola (2) dalla base della pompa (1).
2. Pulire la succhieruola e la base della pompa.
3. Riposizionare la succhieruola e avvitare le
viti di arresto.