Cleaning the dust compartment thoroughly
1 Press the dust compartment release button (1) and remove
the dust compartment from the appliance (2) (Fig. 14).
2 Pullthelterunitoutofthedustcompartment(Fig.15).
3 Ifnecessary,cleanthelterunit.Seesection‘Cleaningthelterunit’.
4 Empty the dust compartment over a dustbin (Fig. 16).
5 If necessary, clean the dust compartment with a damp cloth.
6 Placethelterunitbackintothedustcompartment(Fig.17).
7 To reattach the dust compartment, align the slot on the dust
compartment with the projection on the appliance. First attach the
bottom of the dust compartment. Then push the top of the dust
compartment towards the appliance until it locks into place
(‘click’) (Fig. 18).
Cleaning the lter unit
1 Press the dust compartment release button (1) and remove
the dust compartment from the appliance (2) (Fig. 14).
2 Pullthelterunitoutofthedustcompartment(Fig.15).
3 Todetachtheouterlterfromtheinnerlter,turnthelterouter
4 Cleantheinnerlterandtheouterlterwithabrush.Ifthelters
are very dirty, clean them with a normal vacuum cleaner (Fig. 20).
5 Puttheouterlterbackontotheinnerlter(1)andturnthe
6 Placethelterunitbackintothedustcompartment(Fig.17).
7 To reattach the dust compartment, align the slot on the dust
compartment with the projection on the appliance. First attach
the bottom of the dust compartment. Then push the top of the
dust compartment towards the appliance until it locks into place
(‘click’) (Fig. 18).