is a registered Trademark and registered Design of
pex Tool Group, LLC.
© 2011, Apex Tool Group, LLC.
DE Lötwerkzeug reinigen
EN Clean soldering iron
FR Nettoyer l’outil de soudage
IT Pulizia dell'utensile di saldatura
ES Limpiar el soldador
PT Limpeza da ferramenta de solda
NL Soldeerwerktuig reinigen
SV Rengör lödverktyg
DK Rens loddeværktøj
FI Juottotyökalun puhdistus
GR Τοποθέτηση της βάσης εναπόθεσης WDC 2
TR Lehim aletinin temizlenmesi
CZ Vyčistit páječku
PL Czyszczenie lutownicy
HU forrasztószerszám tisztítása
SK Vyčistiť spájkovačku
SL očistite spajkala
EE Jootekolvi puhastamine
LV Tīrīt lodāmuru
LT Išvalykite litavimo įrankį
DE Schaltablage reinigen
EN Clean switching holder
FR Nettoyer la plaque reposoir commutatrice
IT Pulizia dell'unità di comando
ES Limpiar el soporte de seguridad
PT Limpeza da base de comutação
NL Schakelhouder reinigen
SV Rengör ställ med brytare
DK Rens kolbeholder
FI Kytkentätelineen puhdistus
GR Τοποθέτηση της βάσης εναπόθεσης WDC 2
TR Kumanda altlığının temizlenmesi
CZ Vyčistit odkládací stojánek se spínáním
PL Czyszczenie podstawki
HU kapcsoló-lerakó tisztítása
SK Vyčistiť odkladací stojan so spínaním
SL očistite sklopno odlagališče
EE Lülituspaneeli puhastamine
LV Tīrīt paliktni
LT Išvalykite dėklą
Weller Tools GmbH
Carl-Benz-Str. 2
74354 Besigheim
Phone: +49 (0) 7143 580-0
Fax.: +49 (0) 7143 580-108
Apex Tool Group S.A.S.
25 av. Maurice Chevalier BP 46
77832 Ozoir-la-Ferrière Cedex
Phone : +33 (0)
Fax : +33 (0)
Apex Tool UK Limited
Floor Pennine House
Washington, Tyne & Wear
NE37 1LY
Great Britain
Phone: +44 (0191) 419 7700
Fax.: +44 (0191) 417 9421
Apex Tool S.r.I.
Viale Europa 80
20090 Cusago (MI)
Phone: +39 (02) 90 33 101
Fax.: +39 (02) 90 39 42 31
Apex Tool Group, LLC.
14600 York Rd. Suite A
Sparks, MD 21152, USA
Phone: +1 (800) 688-8949
Fax: +1 (800) 234-0472
The data specified above only serves to describe the
product. No statements concerning a certain condition or
suitability for a certain application can be derived from our
information. The given information does not release the
user from the obligation of own judgement and
verification. It must be remembered that our products are
subject to a natural process of wear and aging. © This
document, as well as the data, specifications and other
information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of
Weller Tools GmbH. Without their consent it may not be
reproduced or given to third parties. Subject to
Printed in Germany.
Order no. T005 57 102 04 – 08.2011
T005 57 102 03 – 01.2011