Behringer Truth B2030A Používateľská príručka

Používateľská príručka

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Use this 1/4" TS INPUT connector to plug in the instrument cable. Please use only a high-quality instrument cable here.
The 1/4" TS TO EFFECTS connector sends the signal to your effects pedals (TU300 in the illustration).
Use these 1/4" TS FROM EFFECTS connectors to plug in the stereo effects signal from your effects pedals (DR100 in the
These 1/4" TS OUTPUT TO AMP connectors send the signal to your amp(s).
Use the 9 V connection to plug in the included 9 V power supply.
Use the DC OUT connector to plug in the included daisy chain cable and connect it to all effects pedals.
Thank you for showing your confidence in us by purchasing the BEHRINGER PEDAL BOARD PB1000. This high-quality lightweight pedal board is able to transport up to 12 effects pedals. The onboard
1.7 A power supply includes all necessary cabling for powering your collection of stompboxes.
Do not use near water, or install near heat sources. Use only authorized attachments/accessories. Do not service product yourself. Contact our qualified servicing personnel for
servicing or repairs, especially when power supply cord or plug is damaged.
Не эксплуатируйте прибор вблизи от источников воды и тепла. Применяйте только авторизованные дополнительные устройства. Никогда не ремонтируйте прибор
самостоятельно. Ремонт может производить только квалифицированный специализированный персонал, особенно при повреждениях сетевого провода или
сетевой вилки.
Ìç ÷ñçóéìïðïéåßôå ôç óõóêåõÞ êïíôÜ óå íåñü êáé ìçí ôçí åãêáèéóôÜôå êïíôÜ óå ðçãÝò èåñìüôçôáò. ×ñçóéìïðïéåßôå ìüíï åãêåêñéìÝíá åîáñôÞìáôá/ðáñåëêüìåíá. Ìçí åêôåëåßôå
ïé ßäéïé åñãáóßåò óÝñâéò. Ãéá ôçí åêôÝëåóç åñãáóéþí óÝñâéò Þ åðéóêåõÞò, åðéêïéíùíÞóôå ìå ôï åéäéêåõìÝíï ðñïóùðéêü óÝñâéò ôçò åôáéñåßáò ìáò, éäéáßôåñá üôáí Ý÷åé ðñïêëçèåß
æçìéÜ óôï êáëþäéï Þ ôï âýóìá ðáñï÷Þò ñåýìáôïò.
Må ikke anvendes i nærheden af vand eller installeres i nærheden af varmeenheder. Brug kun godkendte tilslutninger/tilbehør. Forsøg ikke selv at reparere produktet. Kontakt
vores kvalificerede servicepersonale for at få udført service og reparation, især hvis strømforsyningsledningen eller stikket er beskadiget.
Non usare in prossimità dell’acqua o installare vicino a fonti di calore. Usare solo collegamenti ed accessori approvati. Non tentare di riparare l’apparecchio da sé. Contattare il
nostro personale specializzato per eseguire operazioni di manutenzione e riparazione, in particolare se i cavo di alimentazione e la spina sono danneggiati.
Niet gebruiken in de buurt van water of warmtebronnen. Gebruik uitsluitend geautoriseerde uitbreidingen/originele accessoires. Probeer nooit zelf het apparaat te repareren.
Neem voor reparaties of onderhoud contact op met de leverancier, met name wanneer het netsnoer of de stekker van het netsnoer beschadigd is.
Nie używać w pobliżu wody ani nie instalować w pobliżu źródeł ciepła. Stosować wyłącznie dodatki/akcesoria dopuszczone przez producenta. Nie naprawiać urządzenia
samodzielnie. Serwisowanie i naprawy zlecać naszemu wykwalifikowanego personelowi,
szczególnie w przypadku uszkodzeń przewodu lub wtyku sieciowego.szczególnie w przypadku uszkodzeń przewodu lub wtyku sieciowego.
szczególnie w przypadku uszkodzeń przewodu lub wtyku sieciowego.szczególnie w przypadku uszkodzeń przewodu lub wtyku sieciowego.
szczególnie w przypadku uszkodzeń przewodu lub wtyku sieciowego.
Não utilize na proximidade de água, nem instale perto de fontes de calor. Use apenas conexões e acessórios autorizados. Não repare o seu produto. Contacte o nosso pessoal
qualificado para consertos ou reparações, especialmente se o cabo ou a tomada de alimentação estiverem danificados.
Får inte användas i närheten av vatten eller installeras nära värmekällor. Använd endast godkända delar/tillbehör. Utför aldrig själv någon service på produkten. Kontakta vår
kvalificerade servicepersonal för service eller reparationer, särskilt om det förekommer skador på strömkabeln eller stickkontakten.
Älä käytä laitetta veden tai lämmönlähteiden lähellä. Käytä vain hyväksyttyjä lisätarvikkeita. Älä tee laitteeseen itse minkäänlaisia korjauksia. Ainoastaan pätevä ammattihenkilökunta
saa suorittaa korjaukset; tämä koskee erityisesti vaurioituneita verkkokaapeleita tai -pistokkeita.
For our current warranty terms, please refer to our website at
Connectors ¼" TS, unbalanced
Power supply 9 V , 1.7 A switching adaptor (included)
USA/Canada 120 V~, 60 Hz
GPE182-090170-1 (HSB-UL)
Europe/Australia 230 V~, 50 Hz
GPE182-090170-2 (HSB-EU)
GPE182-090170-3 (HSB-UK)
Korea 220 V~, 60 Hz
GPE182-090170-4 (HSB-SAA)
China 220 V~, 50 Hz
GPE182-090170-5 (HSB-CCC)
Japan 100 V~, 50/60 Hz
GPE182-090170-6 (HSB-JP)
Power connector 2 mm DC jack, center negative
(with daisy-chain cable included)
Power consumption 2 mA
(H x W x D) 504.3 mm (19 7/8") x 663.6 mm (26 1/8")
x 115 mm (4 1/2")
Weight approx. 5.33 kg
(include SPSU & daisy chain cable)
BEHRINGER is constantly striving to maintain the highest professional standards. As a result of these
efforts, modifications may be made from time to time to existing products without prior notice. Specifications
and appearance may therefore differ from those listed or shown.
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Åëëçíéêü åã÷åéñßäéï õðÜñ÷åé äéáèÝóéìï óôç äéåýèõíóç
(Products shown not included except PB1000)
Technical specifications and appearance subject to change without notice. The information contained herein is correct at the time of printing. BEHRINGER accepts no liability for any loss which may be suffered by any person who relies either wholly or in part upon any description,
photograph or statement contained herein. Colours and specification may vary slightly from product. Products are sold through our authorised dealers only. Distributors and dealers are not agents of BEHRINGER and have absolutely no authority to bind BEHRINGER by any
express or implied undertaking or representation. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording of any kind, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
BEHRINGER International GmbH. BEHRINGER, the BEHRINGER logo and JUST LISTEN are trademarks of BEHRINGER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © 2007 BEHRINGER International GmbH, Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Str. 36-38, 47877 Willich-Münchheide II, Germany.
Tel. +49 2154 9206 0, Fax +49 2154 9206 4903
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Behringer Truth B2030A Používateľská príručka

Používateľská príručka
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