
Philips SPT6607B Používateľská príručka

  • Prečítal som si používateľskú príručku pre bezdrôtovú klávesnicu a myš Philips 6000 Series SPK6607. Som pripravený odpovedať na vaše otázky o jej funkciách, pripojení, riešení problémov a technických špecifikáciách. Napríklad, viem vám povedať, ako prepnúť medzi rôznymi režimami pripojenia alebo ako vyriešiť problémy s batériou.
  • Ako sa pripája klávesnica a myš cez Bluetooth?
    Aké je rozlíšenie myši?
    Aký typ batérií potrebuje klávesnica a myš?
    Ako môžem prepnúť medzi multimediálnymi funkciami a štandardnými funkciami klávesov F1-F12?
6. 
1. 
3. 
4. DPI 
10. 
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  2.4G.   ,    2.4G   
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1.  Bluetooth          
    ;       
  Bluetooth        ,  
2.  Bluetooth        
 ;
2.      Bluetooth 3.0 Phili607,  
3. Microsoft o 7 , os 8 , o 10 of hoer Aroi 3.2 e er; Mc O 10.5 e
1. C:
: 7
4. L:
5. Lr:
6. Resolutie:
7. V:r
9. Pr:r
11. Trr: 0 °C tot 40 °C.
12. Vr:
1. Z    roe   het pr correct is  op  
2. Zcr
re pr
Als u het pr  k  pr    te  op   of 
1. otoktrische tecie k  ee    op  ste opkk correct
3. Vr
6. rr.
5. P
8. TTko
19. Akkrk
1. Tk
3. V
M: A illet   r kti  i lrtelett lt 2.4G .
keres kkk
1. V ki tkott kt Bluetooth ,   ri  ot,  
felel kel tete l ili ke; hoss o  ist Bluetooth üeó
2.  e s   k t, keresse    „Philips
    el Bluetooth r  k re 
1.     ü  ko Bluetooth  o
s tete l fele elf l illo; hoss   Bluetooth  kcsoló
2. pcsol  s   eskk  keresse   ss ki „Philips
1. A etk hr c  2.4G, Bluetooth 1 s Bluetooth 2, eek eserre
2.       f ü  3 r
   A f rre   f   ü  
1.   r   2.4G, Bluetooth 1  Bluetooth 2,  erre r
2.      ü  f ü  3
r    A f rre   f   ü
koiót : iO;: M; P:rserfel
2. o  kiót  E  1 fukcr ltho.   t 
1. Vek
2. Vek
3. L
4. kkff
3. Microsoft  7  8  10  r 3.2  ;   10.5 
:kciók rrrer k
rre o pro.
1. r
10. Mut
11. V
12. V
13. Crrre
14. Ecrre
reless 2.4G
reless 2.4G
25. C
6. Recreless
reless 2.4G
or optic
12. C
4. Creccr.
: setre iicit i fi oului e core tsturii i lui este o 2.4G.
cere succ
   sus  clipi ;     cre  Bluetooth    
2. Pi Bl cputerului su l ltor poi,   select „Philips u
ccre ;
10. Tr:
11. Operrrre:
12. Operr:
1. Prrrr
2. Prr.
3. Akrkrkr
Ako  oete rešiti proe pokue  pri s e e Ph ili  pro.
1. otoelek  oe ispr otkriti kr      koristiti
rkku krpu.
4. Zrcrk
5. Vr
6. V
7. Po
8. PehrPo
13. P
18. kk
25. V
2. Lrko
ko DPI
6. Ber
ko pro pr
11. Optickor
12. V
krostoru pr
1.  souris trois cux, 2.4G, Bluetooth 1 et Bluetooth 2, qui peut cter trois reils e
2.      sur le   c   r
e e correspot sur le ssus ser llu pe 3 secos, puis il s'teir. Le pss 
 sur  c  touches  :  ;  :  ;  :  pour  l
rque :rrf
1. Le rfff
2.  sur  c  touches  pour   f   
3. Microsoft  7 ,  8 ,  10 ou  re , r 3.2 et ; 
Rerque : les ftis u st rtiellet ies s les rtes ersis u
1. C:
r: 7
4. Dur:r
5. Dur:r
10. Pr:
rrce :
ce :
res perfces.
     rre le pr   tr   sur le site   Philips
ou le rroche. Vrforce.
1.    peut  corr le    souris sur  
kfor 2.4G tr
25. PAV
2. Vrr
6. Trker
kfor 2.4G tr
12. PAV
3. Tkerkselet.
4. ker
Merk: r for tilk for    er   tilk
1. V   sk k til,  kort     r kr
 topp  ke kte; tr l  Bluetootourer i,   re
krke rkrr.
2.   Bluetooth   eller re r,    "Philips  eller 
kre ;
1. T kort   for    sk k til,  
tire krp  toppe  lke kte; t le p Bluetoothtere, o
rkke rkrr.
2.   Bluetooth   eller re r,    "Philips  eller 
kre ;
1. Trre krkkr
2.  T kort    r kr  toppe  re p
i 3 sekr,  retter   re .  til r  er fullf  kr
re krkkr
2.  T kort    r kr  toppe
 re  i 3 sekr,  retter   re . r til r  er fullf s
krkkke er k
T  k  I: ;  O: ;  P:  for  roppsett 
3. : 7
6. :
9. :
11. : 
: 10 % – 85 %.
1. ,       
2. 
3.        ,
     ,      Philips  
1.         
8. 
1. 
1. :
: 7
5. Tr:
7. trf:
9. Prk:
10. Prk:
rrr: 0 °C til 40 °C
frke prk
rre prktet.
3. Prkke f
ke prk
5. Ret ikkr
6. ke i r
1. L
4. rr
5. 
6. Zoek
7. V
9. V
11. V
12. V
14. Vr
18. Rek
24. P
3. V
1. 
2.     Bluetooth 3.0       Bluetooth 5.0 
1.            Bluetooth
           . 
     Bluetooth     
      ,      
2.   Bluetooth     ,   
1. 
2.     Bluetooth 3.0       Bluetooth 5.0 
1.      2.4G, Bluetooth 1  Bluetooth 2,    
2.  .     ,   
     3         
 .         
1.      2.4G, Bluetooth 1  Bluetooth 2,     
2.  .      ,  
      3        
          
1.      12   
2.              
3. Microsi 7 , i 8 , io 10   Aro 3.2 
:           
: 7
6. :
7. :
6. Procur
8. Repr
9. Pró
11. V
12. V
14. T
26. P
2. Botões esquerreito
13. P
2. Retir
3. Retire o receptor e f
4. Crec
1.  o  Bluetooth ser co, pressi ri tecl   e o ir
corr   superior pir te; pr te tecl   e
  Bluetooth  e o  corree  pe superior piscr rp,
2.  o Bluetooth  seu c ou outros  pesquise e  "Philips 
ccferior ;
1. Pressi rte o ot     r r o oo Bluetooth ser
cco e lu iicor correspote  pte superior pr ltte; pressioe
lote tec e u e o Bluetooth e lu ior correspee  prte
2.  o Bluetooth  seu c ou outros  pesquise e  "Philips 
2. k    pr  kciu    pr 
4. Pkkf
3.Microsoft  7  8  10  r 3.2 ;   10.5 
3.Po: 7
11. Rork:
12. Rorkkosti:
3.Ak   prk  pr efek ro   pre 
Ak pr kete i pokúste  ho    strke spsti Philips l u
1.otoelektrick  ke spr k p i  š rcho. poue
5. V
6. Isk
7. Pr
8. Prr
13. Pr
6. Ricrreless
rreless 2.4G
10. P
re ottico
3. Estrre il ricrr
4. Cre il ricr
  2.4G.   c  esito o, re   2.4G si 
1. lere  o Bluetooth  collre, preere reete il o o e l'icore
c   r ; prre    il   ce
  Bluetooth e re c   r r i
2. Accere il Bluetooth el couter o  ri o cercre e selere "Philips " o
rec ;
1. Prre r il   c   per re  
Bluetooth  cre e re  c   r ; prre
 il   c   Bluetooth e re  c i
2. Acc il Bluetooth el tuo couter o  ri o cerc e sele "Philips " o
rec ;
1.  er h tre c 2.4G, Bluetooth 1 e Bluetooth 2, che posso cottere tre i
2.    Prre r il   re   c
  si ccr per 3 sec  si r Il  recr c 
1. Il ouse h tre c 2.4G, Bluetooth 1 e Bluetooth 2, che poss cttere tre oi
2.    Prre r il     re  
corrispte i o si ccer per 3 sec qui si spr Il io recchur
Preere  co   : iO; : c; P: o per cre il out i
1. L'postoe pre i fric i tsti fioe 2 ultiii l fioe
2. Prre  c i   per re    Pr   per
1. Asir c receptorul reless   prousului este c corect  portul  l
   re pr cer     pe  Philips  cel  rt
r. Vrf
1. Tl fotoelectric poe etec corect cre ouslui pe ore suprfeelor. u
2. Vfrr
rre ochi.
16. 
17. 
1. 
6. Ro:
8. Ror:r
9. Rorktu:c
11. Ok:
12. Okkost: 10 % – 85 %.
rrktu spre.
3. Poku st e roke pe pehue efek oh, šete st pro
Pok ete pr ešit, kuste     strk  Philips  u
rce. Prkror
1. otoelektrick tlie oke spr eteko poh   tši por. epouee
3. Vr
4. Prkror
6. Chrc
5. V
7. 
10. 
11. Lk
12. Lk
15. 2.4G tr
18. Lr
2. Vrr
6. Tr
2. Die Gerr
1. Die Tur erft üer rei e, 2.4G, Bluetooth 1  Bluetooth 2, üer e rei Gere
2. Mousuch. Drück ie kur e Moue. Die tspre Mouei oe
leuchtet 3 k   ist   Der echsel  r Ger ist 
1. Die    rei  2.4G, Bluetooth 1  Bluetooth 2,   rei Gere
2. Mouchu. Drück ie kueusschee. Die etsprechee Moeie o
leuchtet 3 k   ist   Der echsel  r Ger ist 
Drück ie e Tko : iO; : c; P: o, u  Turout
: Die rT
1. Die k r   k ist  
2. Drücke ie e Tstekitio   r ukti   chse Drücke ie e
1. DrT
2. Drf
3. Trrkstüte
3. Microsoft  7  8  10  r 3.2  ;   10.5
1. k:
T: 7
4. L:T
5. LT:T
7. tr:T
9. Prk:T
10. Prk:
fkreich:10 % – 85 %.
1.   sicher,   kf  Prkts     s
2. rCfor
3.     Prkt u Epf  eek Bereich reitet,
re L
   Pr   k    L   Philips   
13. Prr
14. Ekrk
15. T
16. T
17. T
18. k
24. Pk
25. Pr
1. ko pr
2. Lr
12. Pr
2. Zf
3. kr
4. Pkr
:o uie frcu poci kliturG. li poee
1.   Bluetooth  i krótko i prcisk tru, oi kik
 e   ;   ie  pri tru Bluetooth, 
2.  Bluetooth ke lu i iu, suk i  „Philips 6607 lu
” i rork
2. k   Bluetooth 3.0 to Philips  st  Bluetooth 5.0 to
1. rótko   pr   r  Bluetooth   
k ktrol  e e poli ; o ii kls prei u Bluetooth,
ooe k ktrol  óre cie ko i, tpie proie Bluetooth
2.  Bluetooth ke lu i iu, suk i  „Philips 7607 lu
” i rork
2. k   Bluetooth 3.0 to Philips  st  Bluetooth 5.0 to
1. r   k, 2.4G, Bluetooth 1 i Bluetooth 2, które     
2. Prcie tru. rótko c kl tr, ooi kik tru  óre e
 pr 3 sek,   Pr   spr  k 
koo, .
4. 
1. 1 * 
3.   7  8  10    3.2 ;  
: 7
6. :
: 
10. :
1. 
2. 
3.        ,  
     
1.          . 
1. kk
4. Zrcrk
6. V
7. Pr
8. PrehrPo
10. 
13. Pr
15. Berr
18. kk
1.           Bluetooth   
        ;  
      Bluetooth     
2.  Bluetooth        
"Phili607" 607" luetoot,  .
2.      Bluetooth 3.0 Phili607,  
1.     2.4G, Bluetooth 1 Bluetooth 2,     
2.            
     3     .   
             
1.     2.4G, Bluetooth 1 Bluetooth 2,      
2.   .        
        3      
           
     I: ;  O: ;  P:    
1.      12    
2.      E,      .
3. Microsoft o 7 i 8 o 10    Aroi 3.2 
 ;
:        
: 7
6. :
9. :
10. :
11. :
12. :
1.  ,           
25. Pk
26. Akku
2. Vkke
3. Ekkeet
5. Akkrk
12. Pk
13. Akku
1. Tkukk
2. Vkkk
4. kk
:   hiir     Jos   
1. Vitse istet Bluetoothtil pi lhsti tilpp,  s osoiti lo ilkkuu
;  pitk        kuu
2.  tietok    Bluetooth, etsi   "Philips   
: ;
1. V        o
hllkkuu histi;ipitkBluetoothihtopperkklss
2.  tietok    Bluetooth, etsi   "Philips   
: ;
1.   k k 2.4G, Bluetooth 1  Bluetooth 2, k   k 
2. Til hto. Pi lhesti tipp  til ilisi ss  3 seku  
si se suu. Vihto st ltteesee o is. Jos til kkilo ilkkuu hitsti, se
1. Hiirell  kole k 2.4G, Bluetooth 1  Bluetooth 2, tk i liitt kol litett
2. Til to. Pi lesti tilihtopkett, t til  ss p 3 sekui
   se  V     Jos   kuu 
P istel  I: i;  O: Mc;  P: i ihtksesi estel
1. :
2. Vek:
: 7
6. :
7. T:kk
11. Ü: 0 °C–40 °C.
12. Ür: 10%–85%.
1. Eie,    eet lküli  felel tkoik s 
3. H tek s  ktti tols hl  eekt trto, o telest
    pr k pr   Philips  
1. A fotoelektrs i hel keli   ot  f.  hl
ret frfelületek
2. rket.
erket erk
1. cc
6. Ricer
9. Pr
10. Mute
11. V
12. V
13. C
14. Bloc
reless 2.4G
rreless 2.4G
24. Pcco
2. Prro
3. Prro
4. P
2. IDul spoiului petru Bluetooth 3.0 este Philips 6607,  tip ce tru Bluetooth 5.0 este
1. Api scurt utoul e coure ului ptru selec ul Bluetooth cre ur s
cre  Bluetooth    cor    sus  clipi r 
2. Pori Bluetl cputerului su l tor spoi, i i select „Philips Pu
ccre ;
2. IDul spoiului petru Bluetooth 3.0 este Philips 7607,  tip ce tru Bluetooth 5.0 este
1. Tr re trei  2.4G, Bluetooth 1  Bluetooth 2, re pot c trei o  c
2. Cr   scurt       cor    sus
fost c
1.  re trei  2.4G, Bluetooth 1  Bluetooth 2, re pot c trei o  c
2. Cr   scurt   cre     cor
i prte e sus  pri tp  3 secu, poi  oprit. Cure l echipeul
coresptor este l. D itorul   clipete let, se  ul u fost
Api coi e ste  I: iO;  O: Mc;  P: ios peru cut spectul
2.  c      c        
2. Recreless
3. Microsoft  7  8  10  o  rr 3.2  
re ;re;
: frre.
1. C:
: 7
4. Dur:
5. Dur:
6. Re:
f: recr
10. Grr:
3. Vk
Pok: VorcrPok
Pok: Prc
1. V r Bluetooth, k chcete  krce   r  k
    k;  stisk k p r Bluetooth  e
2.  Bluetooth e      „Philips o
r ;
rco pr
Pok: pr
1. rk  k pro p r  r Bluetooth, k chcete  
 krolk e   k; e   pe r Bluetooth
2.  Bluetooth  e      „Philips 
r ;
rco pr
1. ece   k, 2,4 G, Bluetooth 1 Bluetooth 2, kter o   
2. P r rce   r  k r e se ro 
3 sek   P     ko. Pok k r k
o, e r
2. P r rce  ko pro p r  k r e
se ro  3 sek   P     ko. Pok k
rko, e r
 kce   I: ;  O: ;  P:  p roo ce
Pok: Voroocr
1. Vokkce.
2.  kce    p  kci    p
1. Berc
2. Ber
3. Microsoft o 7 o 8 o 10 o ; Aro 3.2 ; c O 10.5 
2. Berfek:
3. Po: 7
5. Rückkehr
7. V
10. 
18. Tr
krechte T
3. V
4. DPIT
6. Drf
4. teckc
: Die k rei für  V  Tsttur   ist
 2,4   V erfreich  r erlischt   für 
: rTk
1.       k  k    e
r   kt ; Drück    t
2.    Bluetooth Ihres C  rer Ger      "Philips
2. Die Gerr
: rk
1. Drück  k        
  r rollleuchte  kt ; Drück     Bluetooth
   r rollleuchte  kt   ist e
2.    Bluetooth Ihres C  rer Ger      "Philips
Merk:rfroppsettet er f
1. fkk
2. Tr  eko  E for e til fk. Tr   i for 
1. Tr
2. Trker
4. Brukkf
3. Microsoft  7 ,  8 ,  10 eller re , r 3.2  re;   10.5 
1. Tilk:
: 7
5. Tr:
7. trf:
8. Gr:rker
9. Prk:
10. Prkkt:
rrr: 0 °C til 40 °C
12. Driftsfukr:
1. orsikre     tr ker til prktet er rik k til  p
2. orsikrr
fr. Ikkrkkt.
rre prktet.
3. Ikkrrktet.
4. Ikkrkkt.
5. Ikke rr
6. Ikke kr
7. Ikke skrek
4. r
5. Prót
7. Poprk
1. 
:         2.4
1.             
      ;     
        ,   
2.          
 ;
1.            
         ;   
          ,  
2.          
 ;
1.     2.4,  1  2,     
2.         
     3          
1.     2.4,  1  2,     
2.         
       3       
             
    I: ;  : ;  P:    
1.         
2.             
6. Dro
erki: e fieksistell  e isus  het toetsor e  s is e
: rkrk
1. teer  Bluetous ie oet r er, ruk kort op e ustoets  e
re ii  e k t ; Druk ls  op e Bluetooth
k   r    k     
2. kel Bluetooth  u cputer of ere r i, oek e selecteer "Philips P6607" of
r ;
: krkoppelt.
1. Druk kort op  k    te selecter   r 
 het r il   k k ; Hou  Bluetooth
k  kt  het r    k  
2. kel Bluetooth  u cputer of ere r i, oek e selecteer "Philips P7607" of
r ;
1. Het toetseor heeft rie kle 2.4G, Bluetooth 1 e Bluetooth 2, ree rie pprte
2. Mousochke. Druk kort op e ustoets, e corresper siictor  e
okt r 3 seco e is  uit. De ors  e iehoree ppruur is oltooi.
1. De  heeft  k 2.4G, Bluetooth 1  Bluetooth 2,   r k
2. k Druk kort op  kp,  corrr 
  k rt r 3 sece e is  uit. De o r  iehore
ppruur is oltoo Als e oicr  ippert, etekt it t e ous iet is
Druk op  toetsecoie : iO; : c; P: o o e toetser te
Let op:rr
2. Druk op e toetsectie C o er te sck r  uctie. Druk er
1. Drr
2. Dro
1.             B
3.            , 
      ,         
1.           
 .      ,  
2. fr
3. A kfr
4. Tk
6. er
7. El
8. L
9. ke
14. r
26. Akk
6. Vek
11. Optikk
13. Akk
ccferior ;
1. O  possui tr  2.4G, Bluetooth 1 e Bluetooth 2, que  c tr  
2. Mu e o. Pressie ree tec e o, o cor e oo correspee
 prte superior r l por 3 os e, e sui ser eslo. A  pr o
equito corr  c  o or e  estir pi lt,
1. O  possui tr  2.4G, Bluetooth 1 e Bluetooth 2, que  c tr  
2.  e o. Pre re o t   e o, o  e o
corre  e superior r  por 3 se e,  s ser o. A
 r o  corr  c  o     
Pr c    I: ;  O: ;  P:  r  o  
2. Pressie co e tecls  E r lterr r fu 1 Pressio
3. Microsoft  7 ,  8 ,  10 ou posterior r 3.2 e superior;   10.5 e
1. C:
r: 7
7. :
10. Pr:
11. rrr:
12. r:
3.  ist tre o prouto e o receptor excer  fi efeti ru istc pr u
  c resoler o prole, tete ecotr soluço  site  Philips ou  reor
1. A tei fotoeltric p etect corretete o i o ouse  ori s
18. k
25. tik
26. Vrk
2. L
3. trr
6. Brr
12. tik
13. Vrk
1. Pr
Op: ško  t  pe tipkce  ške   2,4G. e e
: prrk
1.   Bluetooth, ki  elite  krko  tipko    ustr k 
rhu   utr;  pritite tipko  preklop i Bluetooth  ustre iik 
2. Vklopite Bluetooth rliku i ih r poite  erite "Philips 6607" i
r ;
: prrk
1. rko pritisite   preklop   rete i Bluetooth, ki  elite poi, i
ustre k  rhu o p utril; l rte tipko  preklop i Bluetooth  ustre
2. Vklopite Bluetooth rliku i ih r poite  erite "Philips 7607" i
r ;
1. Tipkkko hkrr
2. Preklop i rko pritiste tipko   ustrei ik i  rhu s 3 sek,
   Preklop  ustr opr   e k    to 
1. Miškkko hkrr
2. Preklop  rko    preklop  ustr k     3
sek    Preklop  ustr opr   e k    to
Pritte ko tipk  I: iO;  O: M;  P: is,  preklopite posite
tipkce, ki ustr
1. Torko pret stte fukskih tipk 1 eretoste fkce e
2.  k tipk    preklopite  k     preklopite
1. Brkk
2. Brr
3. Microsoft  7  8  10  r 3.2  ;   10.5 
: Vrkrr
1. P:
2. Efekrrr:
3. Š: 7
6. L:
8. V:rr
10. Tk:
1. Prrrkrrrk
2. Prrk
3. e r  ik  sprk pr ko  pro,  r
e te  orete rešiti,  poskusite ti  splet estu Philips  pri li prolcu.
1. otoelekko prkkr
krko krpo.
3. Ikr
4. Ikro.
8. Repr
ore ikor  topp kr  trck   k f Bluetoote
2.   Bluetooth    eller r r,  och  "Philips  eller  och
re ;
1. Tr  tre kr, 2.4G, Bluetooth 1 och Bluetooth 2,  k  tre r
2. V   T kort   r k    i 3 sek
och seck. Vore utrustirrsikkrt
re krkr
2. V   T kort  k r k   r
i 3 sek och  ks  V till r   r.  k
Trk p tkotio  I: i;  O: M;  P: o f tt xl
1. kfkk
2. T  k   f   till k T    f
1. Trr
2. Trre
3. Microsoft  7 ,  8 ,  10 eller re , r 3.2 och re;   10.5
: 7
5. Tr:
7. trf:r
8. Gr:rre
9. Prk:r
10. Prkkt:
rrr: 0 ° C till 40 ° C.
12. Luftfuk:
fre pr
   k  pr k  fk   fr Philips  eller e
1. otoelektrisk  k korrekt kter rrelser    r.    p
2.   o. Pr r    o, el    corr e
  superior se cr r 3   se r  c el   equipo
1. El   tres  2.4G, Bluetooth 1 Bluetooth 2, que  c tres  
2.   o. Pr r el     o, el   o
corr    superior se cr r 3   se r  c
Pr  c    I:  o: MA P:   el   
2. Pr  c     r     Pr  o
1. Tcos
2. Recco
3. Microsoft  7 ,  8 ,  10 o posterior , r 3.2 superior;   10.5 
1. C:
r: 7
7. :
f: recc
10. Pr:
1. rese  que el receptor co   pr  corr c  puerto
3.    re el pr el receptor exc  r efo, r   r 
i  puee resoer el prle itte ctrr  soluci  el sitio e e Philips o  el
1.   f   corr el       
:ce fr
1.  Bluetooth          üstteki i
    ; Bluetooth       üstteki  
2. Bilr e  cihr Bluetooth'u , "Philips P" e " rp
 ;
2. Mo itire. Mo t  s üstteki ilili o stersi 3 sie o ck e
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2. 
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3. Microsoft  7  8  10  üstü r 3.2  üstü;   10.5 
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2.  Bluetooth      ,  
«Philips607»  P607»   Bluetooth,    
 ;
2.    Bluetooth 3.0 Phili    Bluetooth 5.0 
1.     ,    Bluetooth,  
,       ;  
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2.  Bluetooth        
«PhilipsP7607»  «P7607»   Bluetooth,    
 ;
2.    Bluetooth 3.0 Philips    Bluetooth 5.0 
1.     2,4G, Bluetooth 1 Bluetooth 2,     
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2.  .     ,  
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1.     112  
2.              
3. Micr 7  8  10   r 3.2 ; 
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4. :
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11. V
12. V
co 2.4G
co 2.4G
26. T
6. Recco
co 2.4G
13. T
2. Retirco.
4. Crec
1. c el  Bluetooth r c pr r     el 
corr    superior r ;  pr    
 oo Bluetooth uee, el icr correspe e l pte superior ppr
2.  el Bluetooth  su cr u otros   selec "Philips 
ccres ;
2. El ID l ositi r Bluetooth 3.0 es Philips 6607, r que r Bluetooth 5.0 es
1. Presioe ree el  e io  o pr seleccio el oo Bluetooth que se
cr,  lu iior corresp  l rte superior rr l; M
presio l tecl e io  o Bluetooth, l lu ior correspoiee e l rte
2.  el Bluetooth  su cr u otros   selec "Philips 
ccres ;
2. El ID l ositi r Bluetooth 3.0 es Philips 7607, r que r Bluetooth 5.0 es
1. El   tres  2.4G, Bluetooth 1 Bluetooth 2, que  c tres  
5. Rikr
6. r
2. Ekr
3. Ekr
4. Çoklu ekr
6. Ar
14. Ekr
15. 2.4G k
21. 2.4G k
26. Pil k
1. k
6. 
9. 2.4G k
13. Pil k
1. Pil k
:   fr   fk   2.4G r.   
1. Blck Bluetooth uu seçi,  tu ks  e üstteki illi stere ç p
cektir; Bluetooth   tekr    üstteki      
2. Bilr e  cihr Bluetooth' ç, "Philips " e " rp
 ;
7. r
10. 
11. V
12. V
15. 2.4G tr
18. k
20. Vk
25. PAVkre
2. V
6. Trre
12. PAVkre
3. Trk
: k f  f r och    O
1. V    sk   kort   och r k p
 k     k  och r k
2.   Bluetooth    eller r r,  och  "Philips  eller  och
re ;
1. T kort  k f      sk  och
1. otoelektrik tek fr hreket ço üee oru kile lr. re s,
5. r
6. Yr
11. 
12. 
16. 
17. 
1. 
:         
1.   Bluetooth,       ,
      ;   
  Bluetooth        
6. :
9. :
1. ,    B     B
3.           
 , Philips
1.          . 
1. erite Bluetooth i r ko elite poe krko pritisite tipku i i ori
ikor  rhu poko e tre;  pritisite tipku  prece Bluetooth i i
rko rro.
2.  Bluetooth  r ili  ur pretr i  "Philips  ili
2. ID ur
: pr
1. rko    pr  r   r Bluetooth  r k elite
poe or c  rhu poko e tre;  pritisite tipku  prece
Bluetooth  i r    o e r  e Bluetooth  i
2.  Bluetooth  r ili  ur potr i  "Philips  ili
2. ID ur
1. Tipkkkrr
2. Pr  rko  tipku  r k  r   
e 3 sek  e se  Pr  r opr   Ako k 
2. Pr  rko    pr  r r kr
i r  rhu etlit e 3 seke,  e se iti. Pre  or opreu e
Pritisite kocu tipki  I: iO;  O: c;  P: o  e proili rore
tipkce kr
1. Tkkkk
2.  k tipki    pr  k     
4. f
3. Micrr;
1. P:
2. Efeke:
3. Br: 7
26. P
13. P
1. Pcrc
3. Retirrcepteur et fcrc
4. Brrc
rque: le rfce.
1.  le  Bluetooth cr,   sur  touche  et 
corrt   clir le ; e  sur  touche  c e
 Bluetooth  et  corr sur le  r r puis le
2.  le Bluetooth  re or ou res reils, recher et  «Philips
» ou »rrcce
es ;
2. L'ID   pour Bluetooth 3.0 est Philips   que pour Bluetooth 5.0 est
1.   sur le   c   pour  le  Bluetooth 
cr, et le  corr   r  ;   sur  touche
e cou e oe Bluetooth, et le ot correspt sur le essus cliter ret,
puis le crr
2.  le Bluetooth  re or ou res reils, recher et  «Philips
» ou »rrcce
es ;
1. Le cer ose e trois cux, 2.4G, Bluetooth 1 et Bluetooth 2, qui peut cter trois
2.      sur  touche     e
1. Trreless
2. Ricrreless
3. Pc
3. Microsoft  7  8  10 o  succ r 3.2 e i
1. C:
r: 7
4. Dur:
5. Durr:
fc: ricrr
10. Pr:
1. Assicur che il ricre reless   pr  c corr    l
  riesci risoere il proe pro trore  solu  sito e Philips o  rore
orre il prcf
1.   f può re corr il      e
rrre il pro.
rre il pro.
re il prcf
5. ke
7. 
10. 
11. V
12. V
15. 2.4G tr
18. k
  2,4G.      2.4G 
1.   Bluetooth       
     ;   
  Bluetooth       
2.  Bluetooth        
»  »   Bluetooth,    
 ;
1.         Bluetooth
       ;  
    Bluetooth,   
2.  Bluetooth        
»  »   Bluetooth,    
 ;
1.     2.4G, Bluetooth 1 Bluetooth 2,   
2.       
     3   .   
      ,  ,   
1.     2.4G, Bluetooth 1 Bluetooth 2,   
2.       ,
      3   . 
        , 
    I: iO;  O: c;  P: o,  
1.       12   
2.            
3. Micr 7  8  10  r 3.2  ;  10.5 
3. Trkslet.
Berk: friksi for fielsestils  stturet   er 2.4Gtils. Hs
fkes, slukkkrf
1. V  Bluetoot er sk tilsluttes, k kort  tilsttste, o  tilsre
k  ker ; k le  Bluetoottppe    tree
2. T Bluetooth   c eller re r,    "Philips  eller 
k ;
1. ort    for  e e Bluetoothst er sk tilsluttes,  
re ikor  topp ker sot; trk e  Bluetoottilstskppe,  e
2. T Bluetooth   c eller re r,    "Philips  eller 
k ;
1. Tret  tre kr, 2.4G, Bluetooth 1  Bluetooth 2,  k f tre   
2.  ort   t  tilr tilik erst il re tt
i 3 seker,  erefter   re slukket. kiftet til et tilsree ust er fsluttet. His
krkke er tilsluttet.
re krkfr
2.  ort tr  sk,  tilre tilstikor rst il re
 i 3 seker,  erefter   re slukket. kiftet til et tilree ur er fsluttet. Hs
krkke er tilsluttet.
Tr  eko  I: i;  O: M;  P: io for t skifte trlt
1. kfkk
2. TkfkTf
1. Tr
2. Tr
3. Microsoft  7 ,  8 ,  10 eller re , r 3.2  re;   10.5 
4. Zrk
euer k
6. 
8. 
24. 
1. 
4. 
10. 
2. .
:        
     2.4G.    ,   2.4G 
1.    Bluetooth    ,    
        .   
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2.   Bluetooth     ,   
1.    k, 2.4G, Bluetooth 1 i Bluetooth 2, które      
2. Pre  rótko   pr  ie k t 
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 k is I: ; O: ; P: s  pre uk kltur
1.  usi f kls k  i st k
2.  k kl E  pr si  k 1   ,
3. Microsoft  7  8  10  r 3.2 i ;   10.5 i
: krro.
2. Efek:
k: 7
4. k:
5. :
6. Ro:
9. rktu:r
10. rktu:
1. pe si, e pre ik  prktu st prio   portu B
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3. J   proukte okie prekr efekt si s ,
1. T fotoelek e pr  ruch   ks  
24. Opierkk
6. Ber
10. Prr
11. Optickor
2. f
3. Vk
Pok: prl tie reiu pr ice ši o rocu  rei 2,4G. Ak e
Pok: prr
1. Verte r Bluetooth, ktor chcete prip krtko stl k ru ps ik 
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2. ite Bluetooth   leo  ri te rte „Philips 607“
r ;
ro pr
Pok: prrc
rklelrepreoerte reiuetooth, ktor pripoprslu
krolk     k;    pr r Bluetooth 
2. ite Bluetooth   leo  ri te rte „Philips 607“
r ;
ro pr
  tri k, 2,4 G, Bluetooth 1 Bluetooth 2, ktor o  troch 
2.Pr r. rko   r  k r    ro
 3 seku potoe. Preptie  prslurieieeok. Ak ikor reik
o, e r.
1.M  tri k, 2,4 G, Bluetooth 1 Bluetooth 2, ktor uou pripoe troch 
2.Pr r. rko   pr r,  k r  
 ro  3 sek   Pr     k Ak k
rko, e r.
tl kie kl  I: i;  O: ;  P: i pr rooie
ce c
Pok: Prroocr
When the battery power of keyboard or mouse is low, the low battery indicator
6000 Series
Keyboard Mouse
User manual
1. Wireless keyboard and mouse
2. Wireless receiver
3. Detachable wrist rest
4. User manual and important information
5. 1*AA battery (inside mouse)
6. 1*AAA battery (inside keyboard)
Packaging contents
Trouble shooting
1. 1 x USB port
2. Bluetooth 3.0/Bluetooth 5.0
3. Windows® 7,Windows® 8,Windows® 10 or later,
Android 3.2 and above; Mac OS 10.5 or later
System requirement
1. Connectivity2.4GHz/Bluetooth 3.0/Bluetooth 5.0
2. Working distance: 2.4GHz about 15m/Bluetooth about 10m
3. Number of buttons7
4. Mouse buttons lifespan: 3 million clicks
5. Keyboard keys lifespan: 10 million keystrokes
6. Resolution800/1200/1600/2400/3200 DPI
7. Power supply: 1*AA Philips battery(mouse), 1*AAA Philips battery(keyboard)
8. Interface: USB wireless receiver
9. Mouse size117.2x74.8x39.3mm
10. Keyboard size432.8x196.2x21.9mm
11. Product weight836g ± 10g
12. Operating temperature range: 0 ° C to 40 ° C
13. Operating humidity range: 10% - 85%.
1. Make sure that the USB wireless receiver of the product is correctly plugged
into the USB port of the computer.
2. Make sure the computer meets the minimum system requirement.
range, please reduce the distance for better performance.
website or nearest retailer. Please do not disassemble the product by force.
1. Photoelectric technology can correctly detect the movement of mouse on
2. Please use dry and soft cloth to clean the product.
3. Do not disassemble the product by force.
4. Do not direct the light from the bottom of the mouse to your eyes.
1. : Lock fn function
2. : Screen brightness -
3. : Screen brightness +
4. : Multi screen display
5. : Return
6. : Search
7. : Prev song
8. : Play/Pause
9. : Next song
10. : Mute
11. : Volume -
12. : Volume +
13. : Input method switching
14. : Lock screen
15. : 2.4G wireless mode
16. : Bluetooth mode 1
17. : Bluetooth mode 2
18. : Calculator
19. Low battery indicator
20. Caps lock indicator
21. 2.4G wireless mode indicator
22. Bluetooth mode 1 indicator
23. Bluetooth mode 2 indicator
24. Magnetic adsorption wrist rest
25. ON/OFF switch
26. Battery door
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
2019 22 23
1. Scroll wheel
2. Left and right buttons
3. Forward/backward side buttons
4. DPI button
5. Low battery indicator
6. Wireless receiver
7. Bluetooth mode 2 indicator
8. Bluetooth mode 1 indicator
9. 2.4G wireless mode indicator
10. Mode switch button
11. Optical sensor
12. ON/OFF switch
13. Battery door
7 8 9
Note: the factory default setting of the connection mode of keyboard and mouse is 2.4G mode.
Note: make sure that the keyboard power is on before Bluetooth pairing.
1. Select the Bluetooth mode to be connected, short press the mode key, and the
quickly, and then enter the waiting for Bluetooth pairing.
2. Turn on the Bluetooth of your computer or other devices, search and select
"Philips SPK6607" or "SPK6607" and start Bluetooth pairing until the connection
is completed.
1. Bluetooth 5.0 is not supported on Windows 7 and below;
2. The device ID for Bluetooth 3.0 is Philips SPK6607, while for Bluetooth 5.0 is
1. Short press the mode switch button to select the Bluetooth mode to be
long press the Bluetooth mode switch key, and the corresponding indicator light
2. Turn on the Bluetooth of your computer or other devices, search and select
"Philips SPK7607" or "SPK7607" and start Bluetooth pairing until the connection
is completed.
1. Bluetooth 5.0 is not supported on Windows 7 and below;
2. The device ID for Bluetooth 3.0 is Philips SPK7607, while for Bluetooth 5.0 is
Note: make sure that the mouse power is on before Bluetooth pairing.
Bluetooth connection guide of the keyboard
Bluetooth connection guide of the mouse
Function overview of the keyboard Function overview of the mouse
1. Push the battery door away.
3. Take out the receiver and
close the battery door.
4. Plug the receiver into the
USB port of a PC.
2.4G wireless connection guide
Low battery reminder
1. The keyboard has three channels, 2.4G, Bluetooth 1 and Bluetooth 2, which can
connect three devices at the same time.
2. Mode switching. Short press the mode switch button, the corresponding mode
slowly, it means that the mode has not been connected.
Press the key combination (FN+I: iOS; FN+O: Mac; FN+P: Windows)
to switch the keyboard layout corresponding to the system.
Mac: Win:
1. The factory default setting of F1-F12/ multimedia function keys is multimedia
2. Press the key combination (FN+ESC) to switch to F1-F12 function. Press it again
to switch back to multimedia function.
+ +
Mode switching method of the keyboard
Switch keyboard layout for iOS/Mac/Win
Switch F1-F12/multimedia function
1. The mouse has three channels, 2.4G, Bluetooth 1 and Bluetooth 2, which can
connect three devices at the same time.
2. Mode switching. Short press the mode switch button, the corresponding mode
slowly, it means that the mode has not been connected.
Mode switching method of the mouse
Note: the default setting of the keyboard layout is for Windows.
Made in China
Register your product and get support at:
2021 © Top Victory Investments Limited . All rights reserved.
Philips and the Philips Shield Emblem are registered trademarks of Koninklijke
Philips N.V. and are used under license.
This product has been manufactured by and is sold under the responsibility of
Top Victory Investments Limited , and Top Victory Investments Limited is the
warrantor in relation to this product.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by
Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by MMD Hong Kong Holding Limited
is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective
תירביה | שמתשמל ךירדמ
תדלקמה לש תויצקנופ תריקס
1. תייצקנופ תליענFN
2.- ךסמ תוריהב
3.+ ךסמה תוריהב
4.םיכסמ תבורמ הגוצת
7.םדוק ריש
8.ההשה / לעפה
9.אבה ריש
11.- חפנ
12.+ חפנ
13.טלק תטיש תפלחה
14.הליענ ךסמ
15. יטוחלא בצמ2.4G
16. בצמBluetooth 1
17. בצמBluetooth 2
19.שלח הללוס ןווחמ
20.ספאק הליענ ןווחמ
21. יטוחלא בצמ ןווחמ2.4G
22. בצמ ןווחמBluetooth 1
23. בצמ ןווחמ
Bluetooth 2
תיטנגמ היצפוסדא םע די החונמ
25.למשח גתמ
26.הללוס תלד
רבכעה לש תויצקנופ תריקס
1.הלילג לגלג
2.ןימיו לאמש ירותפכ
3.הרוחא / המידק דצ ירותפכ
4. רותפכDPI
5.שלח הללוס ןווחמ
6.יטוחלא טלקמ
7. בצמ ןווחמBluetooth 2
8. בצמ ןווחמBluetooth 1
9. יטוחלא בצמ ןווחמ2.4G
10.בצמ גתמ רותפכ
11.יטפוא ןשייח
12.למשח גתמ
13.הללוס תלד
יטוחלא רוביח ךירדמ2.4G
1..הללוסה תלד תא ףוחד
2..הללוסה דודיב טרס תא ךושמ.הלעפהה גתמ תא לעפה
3..הללוסה תלד תא ורגסו תרפופשה תא ואיצוה
4. -ה תאיציל טלקמה תא רבחUSB.ישיאה בשחמה לש
בצמ איהרבכעהו תדלקמה לש רוביחה בצמ לש תינרציה לדחמה תרירב תרדגה :הרעה2.4G. רוביחה םא
בצמ ןווחמ ,חילצה2.4G.תיטמוטוא הבכי
רוביח ךירדמBluetoothתדלקמה לש
-ה תמאתה ינפל לעופ תדלקמה חוכ יכ אדוו :הרעהBluetooth.
1. בצמב רחבBluetooth בהבהי ןוילעה וקלחב םיאתמהןווחמהו בצמה שקמ לע הרצק הציחל ץחל ,רוביחל
;טאלבצמל גתמה שקמ לע הכורא הציחל ץחלBluetooth , בהבהי ןוילעה וקלחב םיאתמה ןווחמהו
לש המאתהה זאו ,תוריהמבBluetooth.הנכומ היהת
2. -ה תא לעפהBluetoothרחבו שפח ,םירחא םינקתה וא ךלש בשחמה לש " ספיליפSPK6607 "וא
"SPK6607 ".רוביחה םויסלדע' תוטולב תמאתהב לחתהו
1 .Bluetooth 5.0 -ב ךמתנ וניא Windows 7; הטמו
2 . רובע רישכמה ההזמBluetooth 3.0 אוה SPK6607רובע וליאו ,ספיליפ לש Bluetooth 5.0 אוה
רוביח ךירדמBluetoothרבכעה לש
תמאתה ינפל לעופ רבכעה חתמ יכ אדוו :הרעהBluetooth.
1. בצמ תריחבל בצמה גתמ רותפכ לע הרצק הציחל ץחל
Bluetooth קלחב המיאתמה יוויחה תרונו,רוביחל
;טאל בהבת ןוילעה בצמגתמ שקמ לע הכורא הציחל ץחלBluetooth וקלחב המיאתמה יוויחה תרונו
-ה ךויש זאו תוריהמב תבהבהמ ןוילעהBluetooth.ןכומ היהי
2. -ה תא לעפהBluetoothרחבו שפח ,םירחא םינקתה וא ךלש בשחמה לש " ספיליפSPK7607 "וא
"SPK7607 ".רוביחה םויסלדע' תוטולב תמאתהב לחתהו
1 .Bluetooth 5.0 -ב ךמתנ וניא Windows 7; הטמו
2 . רובע רישכמה ההזמBluetooth 3.0 אוה SPK7607רובע וליאו ,ספיליפ לש Bluetooth 5.0 אוה
רבכעה לש בצמ תפלחה תטיש
1. ,םיצורע השולש רבכעל2.4G, Bluetooth 1 -ו Bluetooth 2 וב םירישכמ השולש רבחלםילוכיש ,
2..בצמ תפלחה ךשמל לעפי ןוילעה וקלחב םיאתמהבצמה ןווחמ ,בצמה גתמ רותפכ לע הרצק הציחל ץחל3
.יובכ היהי אוה זאו תוינש.םלשוה םיאתמהדויצל רבעמה איה תועמשמה ,טאל בהבהמ בצמה ןווחמ םא
.רבוחמ היה אל בצמהש
רובע תדלקמ תסירפ ףלחהiOS / Mac / Win
) םישקמה ףוריצ לע ץחלFN + I: iOS; FN + O: Mac; FN + P: Windows תסירפ תא ףילחהל ידכ(
.תכרעמל המיאתמה תדלקמה
רובע איה תדלקמה תסירפ לש לדחמה תרירב תרדגה :הרעהWindows.
היצקנופ ףלחהF1-F12הידמיטלומ /
1. היצקנופ ישקמ לש ןרציה לש לדחמה תרירב תרדגהF1-F12.הידמיטלומ תייצקנופ איההידמיטלומ /
2.) םישקמה בוליש לע ץחלFN + ESCהיצקנופל רובעל ידכ (F1-F12 . רוזחל ידכ בוש וילע ץחל
.הידמיטלומה תייצקנופל
הזיראה תלוכת
1.םייטוחלא רבכעו תדלקמ
2.יטוחלא טלקמ
3.תקתינ די תחונמ
5.1 * תללוסAA,(רבכע ךותב)1 * תללוסAAA(תדלקמ ךותב)
תכרעמ תשירד
1.1 * תאיציUSB
2 htooteulB .3.0/5.0
3.Microso Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 ,ךליאו Android 3.2 ;הלעמו Mac OS 10.5
:הרעה.תונוש הלעפה תכרעמ תואסרגבןקלחב תויקוח ןניא הידמיטלומ תויצקנופ
ינכט טרפמ
1.:תוירושיק2.4GHz / Bluetooth 3.0 / Bluetooth 5.0
2. :יטוחלא ליעי קחרמ15)רטמ 2.4 ,(G10(Bluetooth)רטמ
3. :םירותפכה רפסמ7
4. :רבכע ינצחל לש םייח ךרוא3תושקה ןוילימ
5. :תדלקמ ישקמ לש םייח ךרוא10תושקה ןוילימ
6. :היצולוזר800/1200/1600/2400/3200DPI
7. :חוכ קפס1 ספיליפ תללוס * AA ,(רבכע)1 ספיליפ תללוס * AAA)(תדלקמ
8. יטוחלא טלקמ :קשממUSB
9. :רצומ דממ117 * 75 * 39מ "מ),(רבכע433 * 196 * 22מ"מ)(תדלקמ
10. :רצומ לקשמ836םרג
תולקת ןורתפ
1 . -ה טלקמ יכ אדווUSB -ה תאיציל יוארכ רבוחמ רצומה לש יטוחלאה USB.בשחמה לש
2 ..תילמינימה תכרעמהתשירדב דמוע בשחמהש אדוו
אל אנ .רתויב בורקהיאנועמקהמ וא ספיליפ רתאמ ןורתפה תא אוצמל הסנ ,היעבה תא רותפל חילצמ ךניא םא
.חוכב רצומה תא קרפל
בלה תמושת
1 . לע רבכעב שמתשהל ןיא .םיחטשמה בורב רבכעה תעונת תא ןוכנ תוהזלהלוכי תירטקלאוטופ היגולונכט
.םידיחא אל וא םיפוקש,םיינויער םיחטשמ
2 ..רצומה יוקינלהכרו השבי תילטמב שמתשה אנא
3 ..רצומהתא ףפוכל וא לפקל ןיא
4 ..חוכב רצומה תא קרפת לא
5 ..ךיניעל רבכעהתיתחתמ רואה תא ןווכת לא
6 ..שאלוא שמשל וא םשגל סנכיהל אל
7 ..םימ םע תורישי ףוטשל ןיא
בושח עדימו שמתשמל ךירדמ
סויזלצ תולעמ
דע סויזלצ תולעמ
:הלעפה תרוטרפמט חווט
85% -10%
:הלעפה תוחל חװט
01 02 03 04 05 0706 08
2. 
3.        ,  
     , ,         Philips
1.          
         
5. Pr
6. tr
7. Pr
8. Reprk
13. Pr
18. k
25. Pr
26. Vr
1. 
12. Pr
13. Vr
: tor  postk  po tipkoce i  e i r 2,4G. Ako e
10 11 12 13 14 1615 17 18
2. Pi histel  E htksesi 12ii. Pl ultitoii
3. Irrr
4. k
3. Microsoft  7 ,  8 ,  10   , r 3.2  ;   10.5
3. Pkkr: 7
4. Hiirkkk:kset
6. Resoluutio:
9. T:
10. T:
11. :
12. k:
1. Vkkkk
2. Vkkset.
3. Jos tuottee  ti li ei lit teholli l, pi it
Jos et p rkse oel rit lt rtkisu Philipsi erkkosiustolt ti lhilt
1. Vkk  hiir liikk oik    k  
2. k
1. Verrf
6. Rechercher
9. Pr
10. Muet
11. V
12. V
13. Cr
14. Écrr
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