Canon PIXMA MG3540 Používateľská príručka

Multifunkčné zariadenia
Používateľská príručka

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Vyhľadávanie funkcií aplikácií
Cieľové stránky môžete jednoducho vyhľadať zadaním názvu aplikácie a kľúčového slova funkcie,
o ktorej chcete získať ďalšie informácie.
Príklad: ak chcete získať informácie o tlači koláží pomocou aplikácie My Image Garden
Do okna vyhľadávania zadajte text „My Image Garden koláž“ a spustite vyhľadávanie
Vyhľadávanie referenčných stránok
Referenčné stránky uvedené v tejto príručke môžete vyhľadať zadaním názvu modelu a nadpisu
Referenčné stránky nájdete jednoduchšie, ak zadáte aj názov funkcie.
Príklad: ak chcete prehľadávať stránku, na ktorú odkazuje nasledujúca veta na stránke skenovania.
Podrobné informácie nájdete v časti „Karta Nastavenia farieb“ pre váš model, na ktorú sa dostanete
z obrazovky Domov dokumentu Príručka online.
Do okna vyhľadávania zadajte text „(názov modelu zariadenia) skenovať Karta Nastavenia farieb“
a spustite vyhľadávanie
Okno používané pri vysvetľovaní ovládania
V tejto príručke sa väčšina úkonov opisuje na základe okien zobrazovaných pri používaní operačného
systému Windows 8 operating system (v ďalšom texte označovaného ako systém Windows 8).
Užitočné funkcie dostupné v zariadení
V zariadení sú dostupné nasledujúce užitočné funkcie.
Používajte rôzne funkcie a vychutnajte si príjemný zážitok z fotografovania.
Užitočné funkcie dostupné v aplikáciách a hlavnej jednotke
Môžete jednoducho vytvárať rôzne položky, napríklad koláže, alebo si
stiahnuť nádherné tlačové materiály a vytlačiť si ich.
Praktické funkcie dostupné v celej sieti
Môžete tlačiť pohodlnejšie vďaka integrácii do smartfónov a ďalších
zariadení alebo prostredníctvom služieb na internete.
Užitočné funkcie dostupné v aplikáciách a hlavnej jednotke
V zariadení sú v aplikáciách a hlavnej jednotke k dispozícii nasledujúce užitočné funkcie.
Jednoduchá tlač fotografií
Preberanie materiálov s hodnotným obsahom
Jednoduchá tlač fotografií pomocou aplikácie
Jednoduché usporiadanie obrázkov
V aplikácii My Image Garden môžete k fotografiám priradiť mená osôb a udalosti.
Fotografie môžete jednoducho usporiadať a zobraziť nielen podľa priečinka, ale aj podľa kalendára,
udalosti alebo osoby. Vďaka tomu môžete pri neskoršom vyhľadávaní jednoducho nájsť požadované
<Zobrazenie kalendára>
<Zobrazenie osôb>
Zobrazovanie odporúčaných položiek v prezentáciách
Na základe informácií priradených k fotografiám aplikácia Quick Menu automaticky vyberie fotografie
v počítači a vytvorí odporúčané položky, napríklad koláže alebo pohľadnice. Vytvorené položky sa
zobrazia v prezentáciách.
Ak sa vám niektorá položka páči, môžete ju jednoducho vytlačiť v dvoch krokoch.
1. V časti Image Display aplikácie Quick Menu vyberte položku, ktorú chcete vytlačiť.
2. Príslušnú položku vytlačte pomocou aplikácie My Image Garden.
Automatické rozmiestnenie fotografií
Môžete jednoducho vytvoriť krásne položky, pretože vybraté fotografie sa automaticky rozmiestnia
podľa príslušného motívu.
Ďalšie rôzne funkcie
Aplikácia My Image Garden obsahuje mnoho ďalších užitočných funkcií.
Podrobné informácie nájdete v časti „Možnosti použitia aplikácie My Image Garden“.
Preberanie rôznych materiálov s hodnotným obsahom
Z tejto lokality s tlačovými materiálmi môžete všetky tlačové materiály prevziať bezplatne.
Poskytujú sa rôzne typy obsahu, napríklad pohľadnice s motívom ročných období alebo vystrihovačky,
ktoré možno vytvoriť zložením papierových častí.
Je jednoducho dostupná z aplikácie Quick Menu.
Z tejto služby môžu zákazníci, ktorí používajú modely podporujúce PRÉMIOVÝ obsah, preberať
exkluzívne tlačové materiály.
PRÉMIOVÝ obsah možno jednoducho preberať prostredníctvom aplikácie My Image Garden. Prevzatý
PRÉMIOVÝ obsah možno vytlačiť priamo pomocou aplikácie My Image Garden.
Ak chcete prevziať PRÉMIOVÝ obsah, skontrolujte, či sú v podporovanej tlačiarni vložené originálne
kazety s atramentom Canon pre všetky farby.
Dizajn PRÉMIOVÉHO obsahu uvedeného na tejto stránke podlieha zmenám bez
predchádzajúceho upozornenia.
Helpful Functions Available Through the Network
The following useful functions are available on the machine.
Enjoy even more pleasant photography experience by utilizing various functions.
Some functions may not be available in certain countries or regions.
Use App from Various Environments by Using PIXMA Cloud Link
Upload scanned images to the web
Print web data easily
Print by using Google Cloud Print
Print directly from your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch
Use the Canon printing plugin
Printing via Mopria
Manage Your Printer from a Remote Location by Using Remote UI
Print Easily by Sending E-mail from Your Computer or Smartphone
Print easily from your smartphone by using PIXMA Printing Solutions
Printing with Windows RT
Use App from Various Environments by Using PIXMA Cloud Link
By using PIXMA Cloud Link, you can access an application that supports this service and use it directly
without using your computer. In addition to printing photos and documents from various applications, you
can register and manage applications.
Refer to "Use PIXMA Cloud Link" for details.
Upload Scanned Images Easily to the Web
If you use Evernote or Dropbox on your computer, you can easily upload scanned images to the web.
Uploaded images can be utilized from other computers, smartphones, etc.
Refer to "Online Storage Integration Function" for details.
Print Photos on Photo-Sharing Services or Print Web Template Forms
Easily from the Machine
You can directly print photos on photo-sharing services or template forms offered on the web without
using a computer.
Online Album Photo Print
You can access photo-sharing services on the web from the machine and directly print photos in
online albums (such as Picasa Web Albums) while checking them on the printer screen.
Web Template Form Print
Canon offers various template forms including seasonal stationery and calendars on the web. You
can download and print the template forms you want anytime, as much as you need, by operating the
machine only.
Print in Various Environments with Google Cloud Print
The machine is compatible with Google Cloud Print (Google Cloud Print is a service provided by Google
By using Google Cloud Print, you can print from anywhere with applications or services supporting Google
Cloud Print.
Refer to "Printing with Google Cloud Print" for details.
Print Directly from iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch with Apple AirPrint
The machine is compatible with the AirPrint function of Apple iOS devices.
You can directly print e-mails, photos, web pages, etc. from iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch to the machine
over wireless LAN.
Refer to "Printing from AirPrint Compliant Device" for details.
Use the Canon printing plugin
Canon Print Service is a printing plug-in for Android 4.4 available for free on Google Play. Installing and
activating the plug-in enables your Android smartphone or tablet to print wirelessly to a Canon printer.
Printing via Mopria
You can print wirelessly to a Canon printer from a Mopria compatible Android smartphone or tablet.
See the Mopria homepage ( for details including supported devices.
Manage Your Printer from a Remote Location by Using Remote UI
By using Remote UI, you can set up this machine, check the machine status, and even perform
maintenance from your computer or smartphone.
Because you can use this service from a remote location through the network, you can check printer
information even when you're out away from the printer.
Refer to "Using Remote UI" for details.
Print Easily by Sending E-mail from Your Computer or Smartphone
By using Print from E-mail, you can easily print a photo or document saved on your computer or
smartphone just by attaching it to an e-mail.
You can easily print from your travel destination or an outside location. You can even let friends and
family print on the printer by setting up your printer beforehand.
Refer to "How to Use Print from E-mail" for details.
Print Easily from a Smartphone with PIXMA Printing Solutions
Use PIXMA Printing Solutions to easily print photos saved on a smartphone wirelessly.
You can also receive scanned data (PDF or JPEG) directly on a smartphone without using a computer.
PIXMA Printing Solutions can be downloaded from App Store and Google Play.
Printing with Windows RT
When you use Windows RT, printing is easy because you simply connect this machine to the network.
For information about connecting to the network, see here.
When the connection is complete, the Canon Inkjet Print Utility software, which allows you to specify
detailed print settings, is downloaded automatically.
By using Canon Inkjet Print Utility, you can check the printer status and specify detailed print settings.
(The available functions will differ depending on your usage environment and connection method.)
Online Storage Integration Function
The machine can integrate with online storage services such as Evernote.
Integration with Online Notetaking Service "Evernote"
If an Evernote client application is installed on your computer, you can import scanned images into the
application and upload them to the Evernote server.
The uploaded images can be browsed from other computers, smartphones, etc.
To use Evernote, you need to create an account. See the "CREATE ACCOUNT" page of Evernote for
account creation.
In the Settings Dialog Box of IJ Scan Utility, select the item you want to set, then select Evernote for
Send to an application in Application Settings.
Refer to "Settings Dialog Box" for your model from Home of the Online Manual for details.
The Evernote service features are subject to change or termination without prior notice.
Printing with Google Cloud Print
The machine is compatible with Google Cloud Print™ (Google Cloud Print is a service provided by Google
By using Google Cloud Print, you can print from anywhere with applications or services supporting Google
Cloud Print.
Preparations for Printing with Google Cloud Print
Printing from Computer or Smartphone with Google Cloud Print
LAN connection with the machine and Internet connection are required to register the machine and to
print with Google Cloud Print. Internet connection fees apply.
This function may not be available depending on the country or region you live in.
Preparations for Printing with Google Cloud Print
To print with Google Cloud Print, you need to get Google account and register the machine with Google
Cloud Print in advance.
Getting Google Account
If you already have Google account, register the machine.
Registering the Machine with Google Cloud Print
Getting Google Account
First, get your Google account in order to register the machine with Google Cloud Print.
Access to Google Cloud Print with the web browser on the computer or the mobile device, then register
the required information.
* The screen above may change without prior notice.
Registering the Machine with Google Cloud Print
Register the machine with Google Cloud Print.
The authentication procedure using the web browser on the computer or the mobile device is required in
the process of registering. Because the authentication URL is printed from machine when the
authentication process is performed, prepare A4 or Letter-sized plain paper.
LAN connection with the machine and Internet connection are required to register the machine and to
print with Google Cloud Print. Internet connection fees apply.
If the machine's owner changes, delete the machine from Google Cloud Print.
1. Make sure that the machine is turned on
If your printer has a LCD monitor
2. From the Home screen, select Setup (or press the Setup button on the operation
3. Select Web service setup -> Connection setup -> Google Cloud Print setup
(GoogleCloudPrint) -> Register with Google Cloud Print (Register w/ service)
If you have already registered the machine with Google Cloud Print, the confirmation
message to re-register the machine is displayed.
4. When the confirmation screen to register the machine is displayed, select Yes
Select a display language on the print setting screen of Google Cloud Print
The confirmation message to print the authentication URL is displayed.
Load A4 or Letter-sized plain paper, then select OK
The authentication URL is printed.
Ensure that the authentication URL is printed, select Yes
Perform the authentication process using the web browser on the computer or the
mobile device
Access to the URL using the web browser on the computer or the mobile device and perform the
authentication process following the on-screen instructions.
Perform the authentication process with your Google account which you have gotten in
When the message that the registration is complete is displayed on the LCD of the
machine, select OK
When authentication process is complete properly, the registration items are displayed. When
authentication process is complete, you can print the data with Google Cloud Print.
When authentication process is not complete properly and the error message is displayed, select
OK. When the confirmation message to print the authentication URL is displayed, print the
authentication URL, then perform the authentication process on the computer again.
If your printer does not have a LCD monitor
2. Remote UI startup
3. Select Google Cloud Print setup -> Register with Google Cloud Print
If you have already registered the machine with Google Cloud Print, the confirmation
message to re-register the machine is displayed.
When the confirmation screen to register the machine is displayed, select Yes
5. In the print setup for Google Cloud Print, select the display language, and then select
6. When the registration completion message appears, select OK
Deleting the Machine from Google Cloud Print
If the machine's owner changes or if you want to re-register the machine, delete the machine from Google
Cloud Print by following the steps below.
Make sure that the machine is turned on
If your printer has a LCD monitor
From the Home screen, select Setup (or press the Setup button on the operation
Select Web service setup -> Connection setup -> Google Cloud Print setup
(GoogleCloudPrint) -> Delete from Google Cloud Print (Delete from service)
When the confirmation screen to delete the machine is displayed, select Yes
If your printer does not have a LCD monitor
Remote UI startup
Select Google Cloud Print setup -> Delete from Google Cloud Print
4. When the confirmation screen to delete the machine is displayed, select Yes
Printing from Computer or Smartphone with Google Cloud Print
When you send print data with Google Cloud Print, the machine receives the print data and prints it
automatically if the machine is turned on.
When printing from a computer, smartphone, or other external device with Google Cloud Print, load paper
into the machine in advance.
Sending the Print Data with Google Cloud Print
Make sure that the machine is turned on
If you want to send the print data from an outside location, turn on the machine in advance.
Print from the computer or smartphone
The figure below is an example of when printing from the web browser corresponding with Google
Cloud Print. The screen differs depending on the applications or services supporting Google Cloud
When the preparation for printing with Google Cloud Print is complete and when the machine is turned
on, the machine receives the print data and prints it automatically.
Depending on the communication status, it may take a while to print the print data or the machine
may not receive the print data.
While printing with Google Cloud Print, the printing may be canceled depending on the machine's
status, such as when the machine is being operated or an error has occurred. To resume printing,
check the machine's status, then print with Google Cloud Print again.
For print settings:
If you select the media type other than plain paper or if you select the paper size other than A4/
Letter/B5/A5-size, the print data is printed in single-sided even when you select the duplex print
setting. (* The paper size differs depending on the model of your printer. For information about
the supported paper sizes, go to the Online Manual home page, and refer to the "Cannot Print
Properly with Automatic Duplex Printing" for your model.)
If you select plain paper as media type or if you select B5/A5-size as paper size, the print data is
printed with border even when you select the borderless print setting.
The print results may differ from the print image depending on the print data.
Depending on the device sending the print data, you may not select the print settings when
sending the print data with Google Cloud Print.
When you want to print from Google Cloud Print immediately
When the machine cannot receive the print data, or you want to start printing immediately, you can check
whether there is a print job on the Google Cloud Print and start printing manually.
Follow the steps below.
This function is not available depending on the printer you are using. To confirm whether this function
is available with your printer, refer to List of Function for Each Model (Google Cloud Print).
Make sure that the machine is turned on
From the Home screen, select Setup (or press the Setup button on the operation panel)
Select Web service inquiry
If you have not registered the machine with Google Cloud Print, Web service inquiry is not
Register the machine with Google Cloud Print.
If your LCD monitor is a color model
Select Print from Google Cloud Print
The confirmation screen to check is displayed.
5. Select Yes
If there is the print data, the machine receives the print data and prints it.
If your LCD monitor is a monochrome model
4. Select GoogleCloudPrint
5. Press the OK button
Connect to the server. If print data is available, print that data.
Using Remote UI
This service allows you to check printer information and execute utility functions from your computer or
You can also use the convenient web services presented by Canon.
Checking the printer IP address
To use this service, first check the IP address of this machine from the operation panel of the machine.
Before you check the IP address of this machine or use the Remote UI, make sure that the machine
is connected to the LAN and the LAN environment is connected to the Internet. Note that the
customer is responsible for paying all Internet connection fees.
Check that the machine has been turned on
If your printer has a LCD monitor
2. From the home window, select Setup -> Device settings -> LAN settings
-> Confirm LAN settings -> WLAN setting list or LAN setting list. Then from the
displayed window, check the IP address.
To print the IP address, load one sheet of A4 size or Letter size plain paper. Then from the
home window, select
Setup -> Device settings -> LAN settings -> Confirm
LAN settings -> Print LAN details, in sequence.
If your printer does not have a LCD monitor
2. Load one sheet of A4 size or Letter size plain paper
3. Hold down the Stop button until the Alarm lamp flashes 15 times
Release the button
Printing of the network setup information starts.
Remote UI startup
In the Web browser, directly enter the IPv4 address that you checked from the LCD monitor of the
machine. The Remote UI starts.
From your computer, smartphone, or tablet device, open the Web browser, and enter the
following URL:
http:// <Printer IP address>
For "<Printer IP address>" enter the IP address that you checked in "Checking the printer IP address."
Entering Username and Administrator's Password
From the authentication screen, enter the Username and Password.
Username: ADMIN
Password: See "About the Administrator Password."
The Username display may differ depending on your browser.
Remote UI startup
The Remote UI starts and the top window is displayed.
Printer status
This function displays printer information such as the remaining ink amount, the status, and
detailed error information.
You can also connect to the ink purchase site or support page, and use Web Services.
This function allows you to set and execute the machine utility functions such as cleaning.
AirPrint settings
This function allows you to specify the Apple AirPrint settings, such as position information.
Google Cloud Print setup
This function allows you to register this machine to Google Cloud Print or delete the machine.
Firmware update
This function allows you to update the firmware and check version information.
Manual (Online)
This function displays the Online Manual.
Network Configuration
This function displays the network settings.
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Canon PIXMA MG3540 Používateľská príručka

Multifunkčné zariadenia
Používateľská príručka
Tento návod je vhodný aj pre