Kladno Campus – how it was built
2000 The first part of the factory, the so-called Building A, was built
in the Kladno JIH industrial zone. Over the following 10 years,
the building was gradually expanded.
2006 The model production centre, today’s Shopper Marketing
Agency (SMA), was moved to a new building near the factory.
2010 The last extension of Building A was completed. The first
high-bay warehouse was built.
2012 Building B was built, doubling the factory space.
2013 The second high-bay warehouse was added. A new additional
hall to Building B for the Processing department was
2014 The first construction phase of Building C was completed
in the summer. The first production hall and one part of the
manual warehouse were constructed.
2015 Construction work on Building C completed.
The construction of the third high-bay warehouse is still in progress,
and is expected to be finalised in 2016.
LEGO Production s.r.o. · Billundská 2757
272 01 Kladno, Kročehlavy · Czech Republic
4000018_BI.indd 4 22/10/2014 10:19 AM