Haier AFE635C*J Refrigerator Freezer Používateľská príručka

Používateľská príručka
*= Colour code
User Manual
Thank You GB
Warning – Important Safety information
General information and tips
Environmental information
Help protect the environment and human health. Put
the packaging in applicable containers to recycle it.
Help to recycle waste of electrical and electronic ap-
pliances. Do not dispose appliances marked with this
symbol with the household waste. Return the product
to your local recycling facility or contact your municipal
Thank you for purchasing a Haier Product.
Please read these instructions carefully before using this appliance. The instructions con-
tain important information which will help you get the best out of the appliance and ensure
safe and proper installation, use and maintenance.
Keep this manual in a convenient place so you can always refer to it for the safe and proper
use of the appliance.
If you sell the appliance, give it away, or leave it behind when you move house, make sure
you also pass this manual so that the new owner can become familiar with the appliance
and safety warnings.
Risk of injury or suocation!
Refrigerants and gases must be disposed of professionally. Ensure that the tubing of
the refrigerant circuit is not damaged before being properly disposed of. Disconnect
the appliance from the mains supply. Cut o the mains cable and dispose of it. Remove
the trays and drawers as well as the door catch and seals, to prevent children and pets
to get closed in the appliance.
GB Content
1- Safety information ......................................................................................................................4
2- Intended use ................................................................................................................................ 8
3- Product description ................................................................................................................... 9
4- Control panel ..............................................................................................................................12
5- Use ............................................................................................................................................... .13
6- Energy saving tips .....................................................................................................................20
7- Equipment ..................................................................................................................................21
8- Care and Cleaning.....................................................................................................................24
9- Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................26
10- Installation ................................................................................................................................29
11- Technical Data ........................................................................................................................ .33
12- Customer Service ..................................................................................................................36
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1) Vytvořit a udržovat obsáhlou databázi návodů stojí nejen spoustu úsilí a času, ale i finanční prostředky.
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*) Možná zpočátku ano. Ale vězte, že dotovat to dlouhodobě nelze. A rozhodně na tom nezbohatneme.
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Haier AFE635C*J Refrigerator Freezer Používateľská príručka

Používateľská príručka